This repository performs survival analysis using clinical and radiomics features.
It utilizes two commonly used packages for computing radiomic features and survival model, pyradiomics and pysurvival.
Survival analysis predicts when an event is likely to happen. It is essentially a regression model but with censored events. Censoring refers to the cases that the event has not occurred. A regression model would be biased toward the cases that did experience the event. Therefore, the input is features (X), time to event (T), and event (E). Event is a boolean that indicates whether it occurred or not.
Performance of a survival model is usually characterized by C-index and/or Integrated Brier Score.
These are assumed to be categorical and converted to one-hot.
Radiomics converts unstructured data (images) into structured data (case x features). They are pre-computed using pyradiomics in batch mode due to speed.
The stability/reproducibilty is not well studied or poor due to the varying hardware and scanning parameters. We established stability by Test-Retest experiments with imaging within two weeks. Unstable radiomic features outside given p-value range is discarded.
Additionally, features can be filtered with other feature selection methods. We used LASSO with bootstrap and determined a cutoff for predictiveness.
The final output is a csv file with each row as a model and the columns as its model performance.
02/25/2020 Uploaded