You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
- Vim options
- Dictionary
- Mappings
- Prefix
- Locate database
- Grep ex command
- Project markers
- Auto chdir project
- Wheel folder
- Wheel name
- Autoread wheel
- Autowrite wheel
- Session folder
- Session name
- Autoread session
- Autowrite session
- Backups
- Max number of elements in history
- Max number of elements in input history
- Max number of elements in mru
- Max number of elements in yank ring
- Maximum number of lines of a yank
- Maximum size of a yank
- Max layers in dedicated buffers
- Max number of tabs
- Max number or horizontal splits
- Max number or vertical splits
- Completion
- Frecency
- Statusline in dedicated buffers
- Messages
- Filter prompt in dedicated buffers
- Selection marker
- Signs
- Tabline
- Example
To facilitate the navigation between buffers, the following vim options can be useful :
set hidden
set bufhidden=hide
If you don't want to activate these options, remember to write your files before using a wheel navigation tool.
To enable nice completion in prompting wheel functions :
set wildchar=<TAB>
set wildmode=longest,full
See vim help on 'wildmode'
to adapt it to your taste.
Customization is done using the g:wheel_config
dictionary. You must
first initialize it :
let g:wheel_config = {}
let g:wheel_config.project = {}
let g:wheel_config.storage = {}
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel = {}
let g:wheel_config.storage.session = {}
let g:wheel_config.maxim = {}
let g:wheel_config.completion = {}
let g:wheel_config.frecency = {}
let g:wheel_config.display = {}
let g:wheel_config.display.sign = {}
Determine how many default mappings are available :
let g:wheel_config.mappings = 10
See the mapping levels for more information.
Default : 0
Prefix for mappings of level 0, 1, 2 :
let g:wheel_config.prefix = '<my-wonderful-prefix>'
See the mapping prefix for more information.
Default : <M-w>
If you want to use a custom database when using locate
let g:wheel_config.locate_db = '~/my_locate.db'
Default : empty
Whether to use internal :vimgrep or external :grep to grep files :
let g:wheel_config.grep = 'vimgrep'
" or
let g:wheel_config.grep = 'grep'
Default : internal vimgrep, in case external grep is not available.
File(s) or directories(s) marking a project root. Can take a string or list value. :
let g:wheel_config.project.markers = '.git'
let g:wheel_config.project.markers = ['.git', '.my-project-root']
If a list is given, the project directory is found as soon as one marker of the list is found in it
Default : '.git'
Try to change directory to project root if > 0 :
let g:wheel_config.project.auto_chdir = 1
To find the right folder, the plugin looks at files or dirs listed in
Default : 0
The plugin can save your wheel catégories & groups in wheel files.
You can have as many wheel files as you want, they will be stored in a wheel folder.
Folder where your wheels will be saved :
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.folder = '~/.local/share/wheel'
It is highly recommended to define this folder and regularly save the wheel, either manually or automatically, using the autowrite config.
- vim :
- nvim :
Name for the default wheel file :
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.name = 'wheel.vim'
This file will be located in g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.folder
Default : wheel.vim
Auto read wheel file on startup if non null :
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.autoread = 1
To enable it, you need to add an autocommand on vim enter :
autocmd VimEnter * call wheel#void#init()
Default : 0
Auto write wheel file on exit if non null :
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.autowrite = 1
To enable it, you need to add an autocommand on vim leave :
autocmd VimLeave * call wheel#void#exit()
Default : 0
Wheel can save your tabs & windows layout in session files.
You can have as many session files as you want, they will be stored in a session folder.
Folder where your sessions will be saved :
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.folder = '~/.local/share/wheel/session'
- vim :
- nvim :
Name for the default session file :
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.name = 'session.vim'
This file will be located in g:wheel_config.storage.session.folder
Default : 'session.vim'
Auto read current or default session file on startup if non null :
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.autoread = 1
To enable it, you need to add an autocommand on vim enter :
autocmd VimEnter * call wheel#void#init()
Default : 0
Auto write current or default session file on exit if non null :
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.autowrite = 1
To enable it, you need to add an autocommand on vim leave :
autocmd VimLeave * call wheel#void#exit()
Default : 0
Number of backups for wheel & session files :
let g:wheel_config.storage.backups = 3
Assuming your wheel file is wheel.vim
, the backups will be named
, wheel.vim.2
, wheel.vim.3
, and so on.
It is recommended to use backups, in case things get messed up accidentally.
Default : 3
Maximum number of elements in the wheel history :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.history = 400
Default : 500
Maximum number of elements in the input history :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.input = 200
Default : 500
Maximum number of elements in mru :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.mru = 300
Default : 500
Maximum number of elements in the yank ring :
Default : 500
Maximum number of elements in the yank ring for unnamed register :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.unnamed_yanks = 700
Default : 500
Maximum number of elements in the yank ring for other registers :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.other_yanks = 100
Default : 50
Maximum number of lines of a yank added in the yank ring :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.yank_lines = 50
Default : 30
Maximum size of a yank added in the yank ring, in bytes :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.yank_size = 3000
Default : 3000
Maximum size of layer ring in dedicated buffers :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.layers = 5
Default : 5
Maximum number of tabs in tab layouts :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.tabs = 12
Default : 15
Maximum number of horizontal splits in layouts :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.horizontal = 3
Default : 3
Maximum number of vertical splits in layouts :
let g:wheel_config.maxim.vertical = 4
Default : 4
To enable a kind of fuzzy-vowels completion :
let g:wheel_config.completion.vocalize = 1
Default : 0
To enable a kind of fuzzy-word completion :
let g:wheel_config.completion.wordize = 1
Overrrides g:wheel_config.completion.vocalize
Default : 0
To enable full fuzzy completion :
let g:wheel_config.completion.fuzzy = 1
Overrrides vocalize and wordize settings.
Default : 0
The frecency (frequent & recent) algorithm is very simple :
- when you jump to a location, its score is increased by a reward
- the scores of all the other locations of the frecency list are decreased by a penalty
- when a score dives below 0, the location is removed from the list
You can customize the reward :
let g:wheel_config.frecency.reward = 150
and the penalty :
let g:wheel_config.frecency.penalty = 1
The higher the reward/penaly ratio, the bigger your frecency list will be.
- reward : 50
- penalty : 1
By default, dedicated buffers status is displayed in the statusline. If you'd rather have it printed in the echo area, just set the option to zero :
let g:wheel_config.display.statusline = 0
Default : 1
The highlight group is WheelStatusLine
. You can customize it :
highlight WheelStatusLine guifg=#5b3c11 guibg=#0 gui=bold,reverse
You can ask wheel to print one-line messages when possible :
let g:wheel_config.display.dedibuf_msg = 'one-line'
or to accept multi-line messages :
let g:wheel_config.display.dedibuf_msg = 'multi-line'
Default : one-line
if you set this option to multi-line, I recommend you set 'cmdheight'
option to a minimum of 3 :
set cmdheight=3
You can customize the filter prompt in dedicated buffers :
For regular dedicated buffer, without BufWriteCmd
autocommand :
let g:wheel_config.display.prompt = 'wheel $ '
Default : '☯ '
For writable dedicated buffer, with BufWriteCmd
autocommand :
let g:wheel_config.display.prompt_writable = 'wheel # '
Default : '☈ '
You can customize the selection marker in dedicated buffers :
let g:wheel_config.display.selection = '-> '
Default : '☰ '
By default, signs are displayed at :
- wheel locations
- cursor line after a native jump
You can disable it if you want :
let g:wheel_config.display.sign.switch = 0
The sign settings for wheel location can be modified :
let g:wheel_config.display.sign.settings = { 'text' : '@' }
Default : { 'text' : '☯' }
Sign settings for native navigation :
let g:wheel_config.display.sign.native_settings = { 'text' : '*' }
Default : { 'text' : '✻' }
See also sign.txt
and :sign
in vim help.
If you want wheel to manage your tabline, use this function :
set tabline=%!wheel#status#tabline()
The format is :
- tabnumber:filename
- tabnumber:filename[+] if at least a file is modified
- tabnumber:filename(win_num) if there is more than one window
If you are using gui tabs in gvim, you can ask wheel to manage the labels :
set guitablabel=%{wheel#status#guitablabel()}
If you find a way to customize gui tabs labels for nvim-qt, feel free to describe it in a github issue.
If you prefer using text tabs even in nvim-qt, simply put :
GuiTabline 0
in your ginit.vim
Here is an example of a complete configuration :
if ! exists("g:wheel_loaded")
let g:wheel_config = {}
let g:wheel_config.project = {}
let g:wheel_config.storage = {}
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel = {}
let g:wheel_config.storage.session = {}
let g:wheel_config.maxim = {}
let g:wheel_config.completion = {}
let g:wheel_config.frecency = {}
let g:wheel_config.display = {}
let g:wheel_config.display.sign = {}
" ---- The bigger it is, the more mappings available
let g:wheel_config.mappings = 10
" ---- Prefix for mappings
let g:wheel_config.prefix = '<M-w>'
" ---- Locate database ; default one if left empty
let g:wheel_config.locate_db = '~/index/locate/home.db'
" ---- Grep command : :grep or :vimpgrep
let g:wheel_config.grep = 'grep'
" Marker of project root
"let g:wheel_config.project.markers = '.git'
"let g:wheel_config.project.markers = '.project-root'
" List of markers
" The project dir is found as soon as one marker is found in it
let g:wheel_config.project.markers = ['.hg' , '.git', '.project-root']
" Auto cd to project root if > 0
let g:wheel_config.project.auto_chdir = 1
" The folder where toruses and circles will be stored and read
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.folder = '~/.local/share/wheel'
" Name of the default wheel file
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.name = 'wheel.vim'
" Auto read wheel file on startup if > 0
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.autoread = 1
" Auto write wheel file on exit if > 0
let g:wheel_config.storage.wheel.autowrite = 1
" The folder where sessions will be stored and read
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.folder = '~/.local/share/wheel/session'
" Name of the default session file
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.name = 'session.vim'
" Auto read default session file on startup if > 0
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.autoread = 1
" Auto write default session file on exit if > 0
let g:wheel_config.storage.session.autowrite = 1
" Number of backups for wheel & session files
let g:wheel_config.storage.backups = 5
" ---- Maximum number of elements in history
let g:wheel_config.maxim.history = 400
" ---- Maximum number of elements in input history
let g:wheel_config.maxim.input = 200
" ---- Maximum number of elements in mru
let g:wheel_config.maxim.mru = 300
" ---- Maximum number of elements in yank ring
let g:wheel_config.maxim.default_yanks = 700
let g:wheel_config.maxim.other_yanks = 100
" ---- Maximum lines of yank to add in yank ring
let g:wheel_config.maxim.yank_lines = 30
" ---- Maximum size of yank to add in yank ring
let g:wheel_config.maxim.yank_size = 3000
" ---- Maximum size of layer ring
let g:wheel_config.maxim.layers = 10
" ---- Maximum number of tabs in layouts
let g:wheel_config.maxim.tabs = 12
" ---- Maximum number of horizontal splits
let g:wheel_config.maxim.horizontal = 3
" ---- Maximum number of vertical splits
let g:wheel_config.maxim.vertical = 4
" ---- Completion
let g:wheel_config.completion.vocalize = 1
let g:wheel_config.completion.wordize = 1
let g:wheel_config.completion.fuzzy = 0
let g:wheel_config.completion.scores = 1
" ---- Frecency
let g:wheel_config.frecency.reward = 120
let g:wheel_config.frecency.penalty = 1
" ---- Mandala & leaf status in statusline ?
let g:wheel_config.display.statusline = 1
" ---- Wheel dedibuf message : one-line or multi-line
let g:wheel_config.display.dedibuf_msg = 'one-line'
" ---- Filter prompt in dedicated buffers
"let g:wheel_config.display.prompt = 'wheel $ '
"let g:wheel_config.display.prompt_writable = 'wheel # '
" ---- Selection marker in dedicated buffers
"let g:wheel_config.display.selection = '-> '
" ---- Signs
let g:wheel_config.display.sign.switch = 1
" ---- Signs at wheel locations
"let g:wheel_config.display.sign.settings = { 'text' : '@' }
" ---- Signs after using Wheel interface to native navigation (buffer, marker, jump, change, tag, ...)
"let g:wheel_config.display.sign.native_settings = { 'text' : '*' }
let g:wheel_config.debug = 0
augroup wheel
" Clear the group
" On vim enter, for autoreading
autocmd VimEnter * call wheel#void#init()
" On vim leave, for autowriting
autocmd VimLeave * call wheel#void#exit()
" Update location line & col before leaving a window
autocmd BufLeave * call wheel#vortex#update()
" Executed before jumping to a location
autocmd User WheelBeforeJump call wheel#vortex#update()
" Executed before organizing the wheel
autocmd User WheelBeforeOrganize call wheel#vortex#update()
" Executed before writing the wheel
autocmd User WheelBeforeWrite call wheel#vortex#update()
" Executed after jumping to a location
"autocmd User WheelAfterJump norm zMzx
" For current wheel location to auto follow window changes
autocmd WinEnter * call wheel#projection#follow()
" For current wheel location to follow on editing, buffer loading
"autocmd BufRead * call wheel#projection#follow()
" For current wheel location to follow on entering buffer
"autocmd BufEnter * call wheel#projection#follow()
" Executed after using Wheel interface to a native jump (buffer, marker, jump, change, tag, ...)
"autocmd User WheelAfterNative call wheel#projection#follow()
" Add current non-wheel file to MRU files
autocmd BufRead * call wheel#attic#record()
" To record your yanks in the yank ring
autocmd TextYankPost * call wheel#codex#add()
augroup END