Quartet DSeQC Report is a quality assessment tool for WGS/WES data. It supports two format: Fastq and vcf. And it contains three subcommands: fq-workflow, vcf-workflow and report. The fq-workflow command takes raw reads (in FASTQ format), produces a set of qc result files from them.
If you would like to analyze your data on your own server, please follow the document
If not, you can analyze your data on our cloud platform Quartet Data Portal
Quartet RSeQC Report is a quality assessment tool for RNA-seq data. It contains two subcommands: workflow and report. The workflow command takes raw reads (in FASTQ format), produces a set of qc result files from them (More details on RNA-Seq QC for Quartet). and you can use report command to report the results finally.
If you would like to analyze your data on your own server, please follow the document
If not, you can analyze your data on our cloud platform Quartet Data Portal
If you would like to analyze your data on your own server, please follow the document
If you would like to analyze your data on your own server, please follow the document