This telescope.nvim extension will fetch and parse text files from Github and provide a list of Markdown Code Fences that you can paste into an nvim buffer. It will fetch a file by default, but this can be changed when prompted by the plugin. (see Commands section below for details.)
- Neovim (v0.6.0)
- telescope.nvim (required)
- Only tested on MacOS 11.6.1
You can install the extension by using your plugin manager of choice or by
cloning this repository somewhere on your filepath, and then adding the
following somewhere after telescope in your configuration file (init.vim
Using Paq
require "paq" {
{ "chip/telescope-code-fence.nvim", run = "make install" };
Using packer.nvim
use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"
use "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"
use {
run = "make install"
" Prompts user for Github user/repo
" Prompts for file argument, but uses as default
:Telescope telescope-code-fence find
" Replace <Leader>cf with whatever you prefer
nnoremap <Leader>cf <cmd>Telescope telescope-code-fence find
$ git clone
$ cd telescope-code-fence/lua/telescope/_extensions
$ nvim --cmd "set rtp+=$(pwd)" -u plugin/dev.vim
- Add social template per Github Pages