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wraps a function together with its dependencies. The result is
a self-contained function that can be:
- stored for documentation purposes
- sent over to a different (possibly remote) R session and run there without elaborate dependency restoring
The wrapper itself is a function with the same signature (that is,
wraps a function and discovers its dependenciesaugment()
defines default values for argumentsrun_deferred()
is an optional and explicit way to run the wrapper
Currently defer
is available only on GitHub.
if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
wrapper <- defer(function(x) x*x)
#> Deferred-execution package
#> Entry function:
#> function (x)
#> x * x
#> [1] 100
When wrapping a more elaborate pipeline:
C <- 10
f <- function(x) x*x + C
g <- function(y) (f(y) + 10) * f(y+3)
h <- function(z) mean(c(g(z), g(z+1), g(z+2)))
wrapper <- defer(h)
#> Found functions:
#> g, f
#> variables:
#> C
#> library calls:
#> base::mean
rm(C, f, g, h)
#> [1] 29688.67
How about executing this last wrapper()
via opencpu
It's enough to:
- serialize the wrapper and turn the byte array into Base64-encoded ASCII string
- put the string in a R snippet that restores the original R function object
- run the function
(See the Examples vignette for more details.)
The best thing is that opencpu
does not have to provide the defer
because the wrapper is self-contained!
public_opencpu_url <- ""
# we're still using the same wrapper object as above
serialized_wrapper <- jsonlite::base64_enc(serialize(wrapper, NULL))
local_script_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
cat(paste0("wrapper <- unserialize(jsonlite::base64_dec('", serialized_wrapper, "'))\n",
file = local_script_path)
http_result <- httr::POST(public_opencpu_url,
body = list(file = upload_file(local_script_path)))
content(http_result, 'text')
#> [1] "$value\n[1] 29688.67\n\n$visible\n[1] TRUE\n\n"