Handle some facebook whatsapp business account manager functionalities.
FYI: waba
stands for WhatsApp Business Account
from fb_waba_manager import FbWabaManager
access_token = 'my_access_token'
business_id = 'my_business_id'
fwm = FbWabaManager(access_token, business_id)
The following methods are provided:
All methods accept the notify_request
parameter, if the given value is True
the method will always return the requested data and a bool
indicating if a new request was made to the GraphAPI.
Ps.: All methods are generators.
Retrieve a list of all waba objects
of your business
Parameters | Type |
notify_requests | bool (optional) |
for w in fwm.list_business_wabas():
# Example of a waba object:
# {
# 'id': '21312312321',
# 'name': 'Some name',
# 'currency': 'USD',
# 'timezone_id': '25',
# 'business_type': 'ent',
# 'message_template_namespace': 'gafsdf_2132_213_asd'
# }
Retrieve a list of all phone number objects
of your waba
Parameters | Type |
waba_id | str |
notify_requests | bool (optional) |
waba_id = '1231434'
for pn in fwm.list_waba_phone_numbers(waba_id):
# Example of a phone number object:
# {
# 'verified_name': 'My number name',
# 'display_phone_number': '+55 73 1234-5678',
# 'quality_rating': 'GREEN',
# 'thread_limit_per_day': 1000,
# 'id': '132354254546'
# }
Retrieve a list of all phone number objects
of all wabas
of your business
Parameters | Type |
wabas | list (optional) |
notify_requests | bool (optional) |
for pn in fwm.list_business_phone_numbers():
# You can pass a list of wabas
# the objects must have at least the id key
my_wabas = [
'id': '12342443'
'id': '56355465'
for pn in fwm.list_business_phone_numbers(my_wabas):
Retrieve a list of all message templates objects
of your waba
Parameters | Type |
waba_id | str |
notify_requests | bool (optional) |
waba_id = '1231434'
for mt in fwm.list_message_templates(waba_id):
# Example of a phone number object:
# {
# "name": "my_message_template_name",
# "components": [
# {
# "type": "BODY",
# "text": "Obrigado pelo contato, at\u00e9 a pr\u00f3xima.\\n\\n:)"
# }
# ],
# "language": "pt_BR",
# "status": "APPROVED",
# "category": "ACCOUNT_UPDATE",
# "id": "16453353"
# }
The waba
, business
, phone number
and message template
definition or properties can be found at Facebook's oficial documentation