This cookbook installs and configures zabbix
Set the zabbix server
node['zabbix_ng']['agent']['zabbix_server'] # defaults to ''
Installs zabbix-agent, adds package-manager specific update monitoring
Adds the following UserParameters, that return the amount of upgradeable packages
apt.updates # for debian and ubuntu
yum.updates # for scientific, redhat, centos and fedora
Installs zabbix-server
Installs zabbix-sender
To use the providers, make sure you add the following line to your metadata.rb
depends 'zabbix'
This LRWP can be used to maintain zabbix user parameters in the zabbix_agentd.d directory.
Create a new rule like this
zabbix_ng_agent_userparam 'thin' do
identifier 'my.zabbix_identifier'
command 'my_zabbix_command --with --arguments'
You can also use your own templates
zabbix_ng_agent_userparam 'postgresql' do
cookbook 'my_cookbook'
source 'zabbix_parameters_postgresql.erb'
variables :my => 'var'
This LWRP monitores the SSL expiration date
zabbix_ng_agent_ssl '/etc/nginx/certs/server.crt'
You can also specify a custom zabbix identifier (defaults to ssl.certificate)
zabbixng__agent_ssl 'my custom certificate monitoring' do
certificate '/etc/ssl/mycert.pem'
identifier 'custom.zabbix_identifier'