usage: [-h] [-v] [-f] [-X] [-s] [-p] [-r] [-l] [--image FILE]
[-i ADDR | -n NAME] [--seed VALUE] [--bag # # #]
[--sprint TIME] [--ultra LINES] [--piece TYPE]
[--dc # # #] [--sc # # #] [--spawn JIFFIES]
[--hold JIFFIES] [--lock JIFFIES] [--square JIFFIES]
[--line JIFFIES] [--screens # #] [--stat TYPE] [--xy # #]
[--rgba # # # #] [--ihp TYPE] [--sqsz {2,4,6,8}]
[--handicap [0-19]]
positional arguments:
SRC source rom file
DEST output rom file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-f, --force bypass safety checks
-X enables experimental features
-s displays seed (requires -X)
-p displays piece count (requires -X)
-r displays remaining pieces (requires -X)
-l displays extra lookahead (requires -X)
Insert image either by address or by name.
--image FILE load image file
-i ADDR address of image
-n NAME name of image
Hardcode RNG seed to a given 32-bit value, for example, 0x600D5EED.
--seed VALUE RNG seed
A bag is defined by the following three numbers: {START} {END} {N}. Each
bag generated will contain {N} copies each of the pieces from {START} up
to, but not including, {END}. Bag size {N*(END-START)} must not be greater
than 63. The order of pieces is: 0:L, 1:J, 2:Z, 3:S, 4:T, 5:I, 6:O.
Example: "--bag 5 6 9" would produce only I pieces.
--bag # # # (default: 0 7 9)
Sprint goal time.
--sprint TIME seconds (default: 180)
Ultra goal lines.
--ultra LINES lines (default: 150)
Modify piece properties.
--piece TYPE 0:L, 1:J, 2:Z, 3:S, 4:T, 5:I, 6:O
--dc # # # diffuse color: R G B
--sc # # # specular color: R G B (default: 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF)
Delay timers for piece spawning, holding, locking, square forming, and
line clearing containing gold or silver. One jiffy is a sixtieth of a
--spawn JIFFIES (default: 20, minimum: 1)
--hold JIFFIES (default: 16, minimum: 1)
--lock JIFFIES (default: 20, minimum: 0)
--square JIFFIES (default: 45, minimum: 0)
--line JIFFIES (default: 24, minimum: 1)
Subrange of screens to play. For example, --screens 2 5 would allow only
screens Egypt, Celtic, Africa, and Japan. Play only Finale: --screens 7 7
--screens # # (default: 0 7)
Modify stat properties.
--stat TYPE 1:PlayerName, 2:LineCount, 3:TimeRemaining, 4:Seed
--xy # # position: X Y
--rgba # # # # color: R G B A
Set initial hold piece.
--ihp TYPE 0:L, 1:J, 2:Z, 3:S, 4:T, 5:I, 6:O
Square size.
--sqsz {2,4,6,8} (default: 4)
Raise the bottom of the playfield for marathon and sprint.
--handicap [0-19] rows (default: 0)
$ sudo dnf install lzo-devel python3-devel
$ pip3 install python-lzo
$ pip3 install pillow
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 > tnt.assets
$ ./ -v ~/tetrisphere.z64 > tetrisphere.assets
# mode='RGBA'
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 -i 0x2A56BA
$ mv image.png nintendo_logo.png
# mode='L'
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 -i 0x2A87FA
$ mv image.png font_a.png
# mode='P'
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 -i 0x521998
$ mv image.png finale_boiler.png
# anim, 4 frames
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 --anim 0x527EDC
$ mv anim.webp celtic_lamp.webp
# by name
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 -n nintendo_logo
$ mv image.png nintendo_logo.png
# mode='RGBA'
$ ./ -v ~/tetrisphere.z64 -i 0x74271C
$ mv image.png title_screen.png
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --image modified_finale_boiler.png -i 0x521998
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --seed 0x600D5EED
# All blues
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --bag 5 6 9
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --sprint 90
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --ultra 1500
# by name
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --image modified_finale_boiler.png -n finale_boiler
# Play only Finale
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --screens 7 7
# Move time_remaining (sprint) and change its color
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --stat 3 --xy 235 150 --rgba 0xc0 0xc0 0xc0 0xff
# Initial hold piece is always blue stick (5:I piece).
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --ihp 5
# Totally uncapped and unlocked
$ ./ -v ~/tnt.z64 mod.z64 --spawn 1 --hold 1 --lock 10 --square 0 --line 1 --screens 0 7