This project provides an Alexa skill to control a local Roku device with voice commands using Roku External Controls. See the the blog post below for original content/commands
Added commands: Lauch Plex, Pandora, Hulu, Amazon Video, Home
- nodejs server for controlling the local device
- AWS Lambda code
- Alexa Skill code
For detailed instructions, check out the blog post on
- Modify RokuControlServer/server.js with the port your want to use
- Modify RokuLamba/serverinfo.js with your external IP and the port you want to use
- Modify RokuLambda/index.js with your application ID (From Alexa Skills Dashboard, step 4 below)
- Start the Roku control server by running "npm install" and "node server.js" in the RokuControlServer folder
- Make this server accessible to the outside world using port forwarding on your router being sure to include the proper port (default: 1234)
- Configure Alexa as an event source under the event source tab in the AWS Lambda Function panel. (AWS Lambda Dashboard) - Skip code upload for now
- Configure a Alexa Skill using the contents of the RokuSkill folder, the ARN of your above Lambda Function, and the Alexa Skills Dashboard.
- Zip the .js files in RokuLamba up and upload them as a new AWS Lambda Function using the AWS Lambda Dashboard
- jaknoll
- kaptainkommie
- djobes
Please feel encouraged to submit pull requests!
This project is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.