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What is this?

It is an interpreter for Radio Shack's TRS-80 Level I BASIC written in C# 10 and .NET 6.0. It's an interpreter, not an emulator. More on that in a bit.


Several reasons:

  1. I've long been a "compiler junkie". I've been fascinated by compilers and interpreters for as long as I can remember.
  2. Nostalgia. The very first computer I ever owned was a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I Level II. So, why not do a Level II interpreter? Well, I plan to at some point. But even though the computer was a Model I Level II, we got it with a programming book that described Level I BASIC. This was David A. Lien's famous (infamous?) book: Radio Shack BASIC Computer Language It's Easier Than you think!, a copy of which is embedded in the project. (This book was also released as User's Manual for Level 1.) I was perusing the internet one day and I came across this book again. I discovered I could buy a copy. So, I did. But then I wanted to do the examples in the book. There are lots of TRS-80 emulators and interpreters around on the net, and some of them are pretty good. I clearly didn't need to write a new one. But it felt incomplete somehow.
  3. I like to code for fun and to learn. While there isn't much in this code that's likely to help me much at my job, it does help me think about problem solving, and it allows me to code in a low-pressure relaxed way. I've been working on this code off and on for about two years, and it's just now in a state where I feel like I can bring it public.


After I got David Lien's book, I decided that I wanted to write an interpreter. I dug up some of my old textbooks on the subject. But they seemed inadequeate. They weren't written in the days of Object Oriented programming and were in C (or even Pascal!), and really showed their age. So, I started perusing the net and came across this wonderful website Crafting Interpreters owned and created by Robert Nystrom. There's a book, too: Crafting Interpreters, currently the #1 Best Seller in Software Programming Compilers on Amazon. The code here is heavily based upon the ideas from the website. The book wasn't available when I started writing my code. I just bought it yesterday myself. It hasn't arrived yet. I'm sure it's very good, though.

Robert walks you through everything you need to know to craft an interpreter for his newly created language "lox". From a crafting perspective, lox is quite a bit easier than BASIC, particularly Level I BASIC, which has a rather bizarre grammar. However, I was able to shoehorn Level I BASIC into Robert's concepts. I later discovered that one of the reasons Tandy was able to have such a bizarre grammar is that their interpreter included no scanner. They skipped directly to the parsing phase. With no tokens, they were free to ascribe different meanings to the same values based upon their position in a statement. You can do that with a scanner also, but sometimes it gets messy. On the other hand, Level I BASIC has no objects or scope to worry about. Robert spends quite a bit of time on that, which I was able to mostly ignore.

Note that Robert compiles his language down to the bytecode level. And shows you how to create a virtual machine and do garbage collection, optimization, etc. I did not do that for my BASIC interpreter. I stuck with a simple recursive descent parser and an AST tree walker for the interpreter. AST tree walkers are about the slowest interpreters one could reasonably create. But they're also simple to write, easy to debug, and easy for someone perusing the code to understand. Even my nice simple tree-walking interpeter is about 4,000 times faster than my TRS-80 was. And that's with some artificial slowness that I added. This is primarily logging, but also the addition of Workflow Core, which is complete overkill for this application, but I wanted to play with it. I don't really feel the need to optimize further.

With the few exceptions noted below, it's a complete implementation of Level I BASIC right down to the three error messages. I've run every program and example in the book (and supplied the code for you), and they all produce exactly the output expected. My error messages do supply a tiny bit more detail than the originals. I produce the original one, then underneath it there's usually some more helpful text in square brackets ([]). Hopefully this will help a little.

What does it do?

Again, it's an interpreter, not an emulator. I didn't want to write something to mimic the hardware of a TRS-80. I'm a compiler junkie, not a hardware junkie. Also, that would have gotten into mimicking the TRS-80 ROM and assembly language. I haven't programmed in assembly language in 30+ years, and I didn't particularly enjoy it then. I wanted to work with more modern tools.

This means that the language isn't represented completely 100%. People did some crazy things with their code back then, mostly in Level II, but even some in Level I, where they found clever ways to access the system hardware through a language that was never designed to do that. If you dig up one of those old programs and try to run it on my interpreter, it will fail. It may run, but it won't do what you expect.

Level I BASIC was designed to fit in 4K of ROM, so they cut a few corners. One of them was that many standard math library functions such as Power, Logarithm, and Trig functons weren't included. People wrote their own, in BASIC, that you could access as subroutines. In fact, Appendix A from the book contains a decent set. I do find the POWER subroutine to be inadequate. Mostly because it builds upon the LOGARITHM subroutine and the EXP subroutine. Each of these have a small amount of error, causing POWER to have a slightly larger error. If I can, I plan on implementing a better one. So far, no luck. But I've included all the code from Appendix A essentially as they are in the book for now. I did fix a couple of minor errors.

There are two commands that I didn't implement: CLOAD and CSAVE. These load and save programs to and from the TRS-80's cassette drive. Yes, you read that right. We had a standard little cassette player and plugged into the computer. It loaded programs at about 60 characters per second, which probably converts to about 2 or 3 lines of code per second. The cassette tapes were usually useless after about 5 or 6 uses, so you were constantly making backups. It was painful. It would take a half hour just to load up a decently sized program.

In the place of CLOAD and CSAVE, I've implemented LOAD, SAVE, and MERGE. LOAD and SAVE are analagous to CLOAD and CSAVE, but they use the disk drives. MERGE is a creation of my own. MERGE loads these subroutines mentioned above and add them to the code already created in the interpreter. It differs from LOAD in that LOAD destroys whatever is currently in memory.

When the applications starts, it displays the standard READY prompt, and you just start typing code.

It looks like this:


And, for exmple, here's the first program from the book:


To run the program, just type RUN. Which will produce the following:




Extensions to Level I BASIC

  • The LOAD, SAVE, and MERGE commands mentioned above
  • The CHR$(n) function. It takes an ASCII value and returns the corresponding character. When I was playing around, I needed to print a double quote ("). There's no way to do that in Level I BASIC. CHR$(n) is part of Level II BASIC, so I'm just getting a head start on the Level II interpreter. :)
  • When you type, your text is converted to UPPER case automatically, except if it's between quotes ("). In this instance, both the UPPER case and the original are stored, but only the original is displayed. The primary purpose of this is so that LOAD, MERGE, and SAVE will work on case-sensitive file systems. It's not a perfect solution, and adding this feature has doubtlessly introduced some new bugs.
  • Level I BASIC had exactly 29 variables. Variables could only be 1 letter long (A-Z). There were two string variables (A$, B$), and one array(A()). I've expanded on that slightly. I still only allow 1 letter variables, but all of them can also be strings or arrays. So 10 C$="Chris" is legal. So is 10 F(10) = 3.14159.
  • I'm sure I've read details on the floating-point implementation on the TRS-80 somewhere, but I can't find it now. It's all 32-bit single-precision in Level I, and that's what I've implemented also. However, the TRS-80 implementation predates IEEE 754 and suffers from rounding error in some cases that don't apply to modern computers. Some examples in the book display the issues with these rounding errors. My emulator will display the numbers with more accuracy.
  • I've given you 16 K of RAM. The original Level I's had 4K, but 16K models were available. It's just a number for the emulator though, so that PRINT MEM works. It has no meaning. Feel free to write programs as large as you like. The numbers displayed by PRINT MEM will drop accordingly, and eventually go negative, but you can keep on typing.
  • I'm probobaly not as strict on expressions as Level I BASIC was. I allow full expressions anywhere. Thus, 10 A=100 : GOSUB A is legal, but is not in Tandy's original BASIC.
  • The random number generator is much more random than the original. This is something I may correct in time.
  • String variables could only hold 16 characters. Mine have no such limits.
  • Slightly more detailed error messages.

What doesn't it do?

I haven't supplied an editor or any editing tools. You want to edit, do that outside and use LOAD to bring in what you've written. Otherwise, you can type the code in by hand just like I did way back in 1978.

What's next?

As I said above, my first computer was actually a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I Level II. I intend to fork this code and modify it to handle Level II BASIC. That will take some time and will never be fully implemented. Level II gives you more access to the ROM & RAM, which I won't emulate. It also introduces static typing, which will take a bit of rewrite. Level I BASIC was ahead of its time. It used dynamic typing. Level II's 'system has a limited line editor, which I will try to emulate, but might be a bit challenging. The other "new" features should be easier to deal with.


  • Visual Studio 2022 solution with all the code. I'm sure it can be built in Visual Studio Code, but I've not attempted it. If I get the time, I'll work on that and supply directions.
  • David Lien's book in PDF form in the Radio Shack BASIC Computer Language folder.
  • The "Another Man's Treasure" font to make you feel you're really using a TRS-80. This font is from a collection of 22 fonts which can be found here. I am using "Another Mans Treasure MIB 64C 2X3Y", which most closely resembles the one used on my TRS-80 Model I Level II. This font can be found in the root folder. I recommend you install it to get the true "feel" of using the TRS-80. The font is not installed for you automatically. You'll have to do it yourself.
  • All of the samples and exercises from the book, excluding the progams in Part C, which are mostly worthless. This includes the subroutines in Appendix A with my slight modifications. All of the subroutines have built-in unit tests which can be executed by loading the subroutine (LOAD) and typing run 32000. Be aware that some subroutines depend upon others. You'll have to load those as well with MERGE. You'll get the unit tests for both subroutines after a MERGE.
  • Caveat: Programs that depend on timing are likely not going to work very well without some refactoring. On the original TRS-80, the book advises you that a tight loop counting to 500 will take about one second. Even in my interpreter running in debug mode, I was about to create a tight loop that counted to 2,000,000 that ran in about one second. YMMV. I have replaced the delays in the code in most places, but for some it just doesn't work. And the graphics programs just expect your computer to be slow. There are no delays built in. These samples are in the Trs80.Level1Basic/Samples/Radio Shack BASIC Computer Language folder. They are organized by chapter and appendix.


I'm sure that there are some. I have over 300 unit tests, but the appropriate amount is probably closer to 1,000. For what it's worth, dotCover says that my unit tests cover about 85% of the code. I'm not sure how useful a metric that is for something like an interpreter, but at least it's significantly greater than 0.

There are no unit tests at all for the AST generator, and very few for the Workflow. Those are pulling the score down a bit. Even still, it's not just exercising the code that's important for an interpreter, it's also the sequence. Does it behave properly with nested FOR loops, or nested GOSUBs? Do successive GOTOs work? Can you use variables as indexes to arrays? These are the kinds of questions unit tests must anser.

Also, as far as I know, there's no published formal spec, complete with error message formatting for Level I BASIC. So, in the end, the results are what I think is accurate. I may be wrong. It's possible that both the code and the unit tests are wrong. Time will tell.


If you don't want to read the book, and just want to play, I'm mimicking the final pages of the book here, which should be just enough to get you started.

Summary of LEVEL 1 BASIC

Command Purpose Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
NEW Clears out all program lines stored in memory NEW (not part of program) 1
RUN Starts program execution at lowest-numbered line RUN (not part of program) 1
RUN ### Starts program execution at specified line number. RUN 300 (not part of program) 11
LIST Displays the first 12 program lines stored in memory, starting at lowest numbered line. Use up arrow key to display higher numbered lines (if any) LIST (not part of program) 2
LIST ### Same as LIST, but starts at specific line number LIST 300 (not part of program) 11
CONT Continues program execution when BREAK AT ### is displayed CONT (not part of program) 11
Statement Purpose Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
PRINT Print value of a variable or expression; also prints whatever is inside quotes 10 PRINT "A+B=";A+B 1,2,3
INPUT Tells Computer to let you enter data from the Keyboard. 10 INPUT A,B,C 7
INPUT Also has built-in PRINT capablity 10 INPUT "ENTER A";A 7
READ Reads data in DATA statement 10 READ A,B,C,A$ 16
DATA Holds data to be read by READ statement 20 DATA 1,2,3,"SALLY" 16
RESTORE Causes next READ statement to start with first item in first DATA line 30 RESTORE 16
LET (Optional) Assign a new value to variable on left of equals sign 0 LET A=3.14159 2
GOTO Transfers program control to designated program line 10 GOTO 100 6
IF-THEN Establishes a test point 10 IF A=B THEN 300 6
FOR-NEXT Sets up a do-loop to be executed a specific number of times 10 FOR I=1 to 10 10,11,13
STEP Specifies size of increment to be used in FOR-NEXT loops 10 FOR I=0 to 10 STEP 2 10
STOP Stops program execution and prints BREAK AT ### message 10 IF A<B STOP 11
END Ends program execution and set program counter to zero 99 END 2
GOSUB Transfers program control to subroutine beginning at specified line 10 GOSUB 3000 15,25
RETURN End subroutine execution and returns control to GOSUB line 3010 RETURN 15,25
ON Multi-way branch used with GOTO and GOSUB 10 ON N GOTO 30, 40, 50 15
10 ON N GOSUB 3000,4000,5000 15
Print Modifiers Purpose Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
AT (Follows PRINT) Begins print at specified location on Display 10 PRINT AT 650 "HELLO" 22
TAB (Follows PRINT) Begins print at specified number of spaces from left margin 10 PRINT TAB(10);"MONTH";TAB(20);"RECEIPTS" 12
Graphics Statements Purpose Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
SET Lights up a specified location on Display 10 SET(30,40) 20,22
RESET Turns off a specified graphics location on Display 20 RESET(30,40) 20,22
POINT Check the specified graphics location. If point is "on", returns a 1; if "off", return a 0. 30 IF POINT(30,40)=1 then PRINT 'ON' 22
CLS Turns off all graphics locations (clears screen) 10 CLS 10,20
Built-In Functions Description Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
MEM Returns the number of free bytes left in memory 10 PRINT MEM 8
INT(X) Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to X (-32768< x <32768) 10 I=INT(Y) 14
ABS(X) Absolute value of X 10 M=ABS(A) 17
RND(0) Returns a random number between 0 and 1 10 X=RND(0) 19
RND(N) Returns a random number betwween 1 and N (1 <= N < 32768) 10 X=RND(500) 19
Math Operators Function Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
+ Addition A+B 3
- Subtraction A-B 3
* Multiplication A*B 3
/ Division A/B 3
= Assigns value of right-hand side to variable on left-hand side A=B 3
Relational Operators Relationship Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
< Is less than A<B 6
> Is greater than A>B 6
= Is equal to A=B 6
<= Is less than or equal to A<=B 6
>= Is greater than or equal to A>=B 6
<> Is not equal to A<>B 6
Logical Operators Function Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
* AND (A=3)*(B=7) "A equals 3 and B equals 7" 24
+ OR (A=3)+(B=7) "A equals 3 or B equals 7" 24
Variables Purpose Exanple Detailed in Chapter(s)
A through Z Take on number values A=3.14159 3
A$ and B$ Take on string values (up to 16 characters) A$=RADIO SHACK 16
A(X) Store the elements of a one-dimensional array (X <= MEM/4-1) A(0)=400 21

LEVEL I Shorthand Dialect

Command/Statement Abbreviation Command/Statement Abbreviation
STEP (after FOR) S. POINT P.