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Copyright 2014-2020 by Christopher C. Little

Abydos is a library of phonetic algorithms, string distance measures & metrics, stemmers, and string fingerprinters including:

  • Phonetic algorithms
    • Robert C. Russell's Index
    • American Soundex
    • Refined Soundex
    • Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex
    • Kölner Phonetik
    • NYSIIS
    • Match Rating Algorithm
    • Metaphone
    • Double Metaphone
    • Caverphone
    • Alpha Search Inquiry System
    • Fuzzy Soundex
    • Phonex
    • Phonem
    • Phonix
    • SfinxBis
    • phonet
    • Standardized Phonetic Frequency Code
    • Statistics Canada
    • Lein
    • Roger Root
    • Oxford Name Compression Algorithm (ONCA)
    • Eudex phonetic hash
    • Haase Phonetik
    • Reth-Schek Phonetik
    • FONEM
    • Parmar-Kumbharana
    • Davidson's Consonant Code
    • SoundD
    • PSHP Soundex/Viewex Coding
    • an early version of Henry Code
    • Norphone
    • Dolby Code
    • Phonetic Spanish
    • Spanish Metaphone
    • MetaSoundex
    • SoundexBR
    • NRL English-to-phoneme
    • Beider-Morse Phonetic Matching
  • String distance metrics
    • Levenshtein distance
    • Optimal String Alignment distance
    • Levenshtein-Damerau distance
    • Hamming distance
    • Tversky index
    • Sørensen–Dice coefficient & distance
    • Jaccard similarity coefficient & distance
    • overlap similarity & distance
    • Tanimoto coefficient & distance
    • Minkowski distance & similarity
    • Manhattan distance & similarity
    • Euclidean distance & similarity
    • Chebyshev distance
    • cosine similarity & distance
    • Jaro distance
    • Jaro-Winkler distance (incl. the strcmp95 algorithm variant)
    • Longest common substring
    • Ratcliff-Obershelp similarity & distance
    • Match Rating Algorithm similarity
    • Normalized Compression Distance (NCD) & similarity
    • Monge-Elkan similarity & distance
    • Matrix similarity
    • Needleman-Wunsch score
    • Smith-Waterman score
    • Gotoh score
    • Length similarity
    • Prefix, Suffix, and Identity similarity & distance
    • Modified Language-Independent Product Name Search (MLIPNS) similarity & distance
    • Bag distance
    • Editex distance
    • Eudex distances
    • Sift4 distance
    • Baystat distance & similarity
    • Typo distance
    • Indel distance
    • Synoname
  • Stemmers
    • the Lovins stemmer
    • the Porter and Porter2 (Snowball English) stemmers
    • Snowball stemmers for German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish
    • CLEF German, German plus, and Swedish stemmers
    • Caumann's German stemmer
    • UEA-Lite Stemmer
    • Paice-Husk Stemmer
    • Schinke Latin stemmer
    • S stemmer
  • String Fingerprints
    • string fingerprint
    • q-gram fingerprint
    • phonetic fingerprint
    • Pollock & Zomora's skeleton key
    • Pollock & Zomora's omission key
    • Cisłak & Grabowski's occurrence fingerprint
    • Cisłak & Grabowski's occurrence halved fingerprint
    • Cisłak & Grabowski's count fingerprint
    • Cisłak & Grabowski's position fingerprint
    • Synoname Toolcode


Required libraries:

  • NumPy
  • deprecation

Optional libraries (all available on PyPI, some available on conda or conda-forge):

To install Abydos (master) from Github source:

git clone --recursive
cd abydos
python setup install

If your default python command calls Python 2.7 but you want to install for Python 3, you may instead need to call:

python3 setup install

To install Abydos (latest release) from PyPI using pip:

pip install abydos

To install from conda-forge:

conda install abydos

It should run on Python 3.5-3.8.

Testing & Contributing

To run the whole test-suite just call tox:


The tox setup has the following environments: black, py37, doctest, regression, fuzz, pylint, pydocstyle, flake8, doc8, docs, sloccount, badges, & build. So if you only want to generate documentation (in HTML, EPUB, & PDF formats), just call:

tox -e docs

In order to only run & generate Flake8 reports, call:

tox -e flake8

Contributions such as bug reports, PRs, suggestions, desired new features, etc. are welcome through Github Issues & Pull requests.