An angular filter that uses window.matchMedia to allow filtering data on specific media query matches
##Usage The filter comes with three rules with values taken from twitter bootstrap
desktop : "(min-width: 979px)",
tablet : "(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px)"
phone : "(max-width: 767px)"
you can now filter with the syntax <defaultVal> | media:<rule>:<value>
<div pagination max-size="20 | media:'phone':5 | media:'tablet':10" num-pages="prospects.Pages" current-page="prospects.Page"></div>
These setting scan be changed by injecting mediaFilterProvider into the config function of your module and chaning the mediaFilterProvider.rules with your own rule key value pairs E.G.
angular.module('app').config(['mediaFilterProvider', function (mediaFilterProvider) { = "(max-width: 500px)";
mediaFilterProvider.rules.huge: = "(max-width: 1500px)";