by Chris Novello (@paperkettle)
Pointl is a super simple template sketch for rendering images as fluttering typographic pointillism.
In this incarnation
- a random sample of pixels in the image are rendered as letters.
- the draw area moves across the canvas, effectively using one image to paint another.
- you can have a slideshow of these images, which you can also step through via OSC.
- you load images by placing jpgs in the data folder and labeling them numerically. So for example place "0.jpg" and "1.jpg" in the data folder and the sketch will have two slides.
You might consider alternative loading schemes rather than renaming your jpgs. This sketch is just a quick and easy way to experiment with the base idea of the program
You'll need the oscP5 library.
My favorite font to use with this sketch is M01_CPS.