This example shows how to provision Azure API for FHIR for Private Link.
By deploying the Main.bicep template you'll get:
- Resource group, named
- Azure API for FHIR on private network.
- Storage account on private network.
- Azure API for FHIR configured to use the provisioned storage account for
operations. - FHIR server managed identity added to Blob Contributors role, to be able to save exports.
- Virtual network with one subnet.
- Private endpoints for storage and FHIR server.
- Ubuntu LTS-18.04 jumpbox, to be able to access storage and FHIR server.
To deploy this example run the following command:
Note: The below command will create a subscption scoped deployment.
az deployment sub create --location <Azure region> --template-file Main.bicep --subscription <subscriptionId to deploy to> --parameters adminUsername=<jumpbox username> adminPassword=<jumpbox password>
Once the deployment is completed there is one post-deployment step to complete:
- Assign RBAC permissions on the FHIR API, like adding yourself.
The jumpbox is deployed with a network security rule denying inbout Internet connections. Use just-in-time access to update the NSG rule to allow inbound connections from your location.