usage: [-h] [-b] [-wi WAITINTERVAL] [-wm WAITMAX] apiwrapperjar vid vkey
A Python wrapper to the Veracode Java API jar, providing dynamic scan "break the build" functionality
positional arguments:
apiwrapperjar File path to Veracode API Java wrapper
appname Name of the Veracode application profile to check in quotes if spaces
vid Veracode API credentials ID
vkey Veracode API credentials key
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f if present do a flaw only rescan. Remove for a full scan
-b, --breakthebuild Exit code non-zero if scan does not pass policy
Time interval in seconds between scan policy status
checks, default = 60s
-wm WAITMAX, --waitmax WAITMAX
Maximum time in seconds to wait for scan to complete,
default = 3600s
Any additional arguments will be passed through to the API jar.
Note: A word document explains how to integrate this with Jenkins