Listed here generic features according to different layers of activity. Starting vocabulary:
- Web maps or slippy maps
- Global Discrete Tiling System: as in every slippy map, it is a modern method for subdiving Earth surface into smaller polygons that are well-defined and with a unique id; but only locally uniform in area. Each polygon is usually defined by a row number, a column number and a zoom level, see OSM zoom levels.
- Tile-based: user defines an AoI based on tiles of interest
- Pay by metrics: the tupling of tiles (number and size), time intervals (year, season, months) defines the pricing (analitycs and indices can be pre-defined based on the business case)
- Possibility of selecting tiles using Global Discrete Tiling System
- Possiblity of defining a mix of metrics
- ...
- Services integration via software-as-a-service (Python toolkits over different providers of data)
- ...
- Google Cloud
- Lambdas
- Semantically Linked Datastore
- Tiles' changes stored as DAG
- "Everything is a graph"