A collection of documents and links for Planet Challenge.
Add comments in row or open issues as you please.
- The importance of field surveys in remotely sensed data analysis
- Spotting agricultural patterns
- Tracking and trajectories with GPS
- Climate Change with Machine Learning
- There is always the possibility of creating a serious game (:
- Longitude-Latitude to column-row in a raster
- Best source for GIS notebooks is sgillies' gists
- How to easily access Landsat images using rasterio (best library around)
- Stats on rasters subsampled by rasterio
- Carto-viz example
- Landsat NDVI (vegetation index) exploration
- Sentinel-2 JPG2000 images
- PCA using rasterio
- How to rasterize a Geo-JSON
- Convert time series collection of GeoTIFF images to NetCDF
- Great data fusion example from multiple satellite sources
- Bird-I, how do they use satellites imaging
- Jupyter Notebooks and satellite images and this github account
- Insights about farming-related startups by ESA
- ImageAI Python lib
- ...