SOPS provides a simple way to write custom plugins for screen reader Orca. It requires Orca to be installed.
If you want to install this software system-wide, copy this directory to /usr/share/SOPS:
sudo cp -dpr . /usr/share/SOPS
You are free to choose a different location, as soon as the directory is not moved after installation.
As user, run:
sh /usr/share/SOPS/
This installs the plugin locally and registers a few default plugins with Orca.
Note: replace
through the path you chose during the previous step.
- On Debian and derivatives, it is enough to issue
sudo apt install orca-sops
. - For Arch Linux, the package simpleorcapluginsystem-git from the AUR can be installed.
After the installation, run:
sh /usr/share/SOPS/ # copy all the needed stuff to orca
The documentation can be found in the doc folder or in the Arch wiki at
if installed by your package manager, use this one
otherwise remove /usr/share/SOPS
sudo rm -r /usr/share/SOPS # remove the mainfolder
remove user-local installation:
rm -r ~/.config/SOPS # remove the userplugins and the configuration
- remove the following section from file
# Start SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH! import os import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('SimplePluginLoader', os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.config/SOPS/') SimplePluginLoaderModule = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(SimplePluginLoaderModule) # End SimpleOrcaPluginLoader DO NOT TOUCH!
- remove the following section from file