SLOS represents Simple Light OS. This repository is for the source code of SLOS running in ARM processor. It is tested in Cortex-A9 in Xilinx Zynq7000 chipset (currently tested in coraz7 board) but seems to be expanded to other products.
Implementation list
- Process Management
- TCB (Task Control Block)
- task fork - forkyi()
- GIC - interrupt handler (top half / bottom half)
- task synchronization(spin lock)
- Timer frame work
- realtime timer, sched timer, oneshot timer
- timer interrupt handler
- Realtime scheduler for rt task
- Earliest Deadline First scheduler
- preemptive context switch
- CFS scheduler for task others
- run q and wait q
- imitate Linux run q and CFS scheduler
- sched entity with virtual runtime
- shell task, worker task, cpu idle task, and dummy task
- Memory Management
- page frame pool
- small page table walk
- virtual memory manager
- page fault handler
- demand paging
- File Systems
- Custom SLFS (Simple Light File System)
- based on ramdisk
- 2 level file system : file size up to 800KB
- ramdisk and elf loader for user applications
- Opensource littleFS ported
- ramdisk and elf loader is working with littleFS
- Custom SLFS (Simple Light File System)
- syscalls through the svc instruction - libslos.a
- Hardware-Software codesign
- Two FPGA (modcore, odev) implementations for a custom peripheral HW in PL subsystem
- Script base Vivado project implementation
- a device driver with DMA interrupt handler
- a device driver for out-stream device
- SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessor)
- CPU 0 and CPU 1 boots up and running with the identical kernel
- PERCPU resource storage
- SGI (Software Generated Interrupt) between CPU 0 and CPU 1
- Mailbox for communication between CPU 0 and CPU 1
Build system:
- CMake build, Make build both are working
- Kconfig
- Statically linked device tree for device driver
Refer A little book on custom OS developement from scratch.pdf for more information.
Notes: To petalinux-package for cora z7, petalinux v2023.2 is used and verified