Cats List is just an app that shows how to use some AWS tools. (see video)
Turborepo to manage this project as a monorepo
- API Gateway to expose a REST API
- Lambda to receive and process requests from API Gateway
- DynamoDB to store app data
- S3 to store app images
- Cognito** to handle authentication
- Serverless Framework to provision and orchestrate the services mentioned above
All AWS services above are available on free tier
- React
- TailwindCSS to beautify React components
- Formik and Yup to handle app forms
- HeadlessUI to build common UI components like popover, combobox and modal
Soon Jest and Cypress tests will be added. Feel free to fork it and add test cases if you are interested in practicing tests.
Before you follow the steps below you need to create an account on the AWS platform
Create a .env file on /backend folder with the following variables
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=place_access_key_here AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=place_secret_access_key_here REGION=us-east-1
Install dependencies and build backend
yarn && yarn build --scope=backend
Run yarn sls:deploy to provision/start all AWS services configured in /backend/serverless.yml
Wait for yarn sls:deploy to complete and check if all services were created:
6.2 Lambda functions
6.3 DynamoDB tables
6.4 S3 bucket
If step 6 was successful navigate to API Gateway dashboard and follow the steps below:
7.1 Click on an API called react-aws
7.2 Click on a link on the left sidebar containing "API:react-aws..."
7.3 Search for a section called Stages for react-aws
7.4 Copy Invoke URL, paste it into your browser, and add /breeds at the end.
7.5 Navigate to the URL to see cat breeds. And that`s it, your REST API is working.
Create a .env.local file on /frontend folder with the following variables
yarn && yarn dev