This is a module and command line tool that will compile/watch a handlebars template directory and pre-compile any handlebars template files then concatenate them into a single javascript file.
The directory structure you use will namespace the templates with ['directory/template'] as with JST et all
UPDATE 2.25.2013 - @piercemoore has contributed some AMAZING updates to this project available on the command line and under the hood.
UPDATE 9.20.2012 - I have merged this library with Flint however, changes contributed by others are welcome and always merged.
npm install -g handlebar-rider
Command Line Usage:
-i, --in Specify an input templates directory [default: "./app/handlebars/"]
-o, --out Specify an output file into which templates are compiled [default: "./public/javascript/templates.js"]
-w, --watch Watch your handlebars files and compile when changes occur [default: false]
-r, --readable Make the output more readable by avoiding default minification [default: false]
-e, --extensions Add more extensions to the defaults for templates that Handlebar-Rider will compile [default: [".hb",".hbs",".handlebars"]]
-f, --force Forces all files found in the input directory to be compiled. Performance gains are not unheard of here. [default: false]
-s, --strip Strip all comments from templates to clean up un-minified output [default: false]
-c, --compact Hides the application name in command line logging for a more compact view [default: true]
hbr = require('handlebar-rider')
in: '/path/to/your/templates/'
out: '/path/to/output.js',
minify: false
html_output = Handlebars.templates['users/view'](data)
There are two methods for using partials within your templates:
If you create a directory within your templates directory aptly called "partials", the handlebars files will be pre compile and become available in your templates as partial_name
If you prefix your template file name with an underscore, you can can access it as directory_partial
-- users
- _list.hb
- _form.hb
- edit.hb
- view.hb
-- partials
- photo_uploader.hb
<h1>Edit User</h1>
{{> users_list}}
{{> users_form}}
{{> photo_uploader}}