Release 2.1.0
Release 2.1.0 [09-Aug-2024]
CIMTool 2.1.0 is a minor release with some useful enhancements and an important defect fix.
Enhancement Issue #108:
CIMTool did not yet support the new .qea and .qeax (64-bit) EA project file format introduced in the 64-bit Sparx EA 16.x releases. This enhancement allows these EA project file types to be imported directly as your CIM schema.
Enhancement Issue #114:
CIMTool did not yet support the .eapx and .feap (32-bit) EA project file formats available in the 32-bit Sparx EA 15.x releases. The .feap format is an embedded Firebird database that works across both EA 15.x 32-bit and EA 16.x 64-bit release of the product. This specific type of EA project file is the only file format that can be opened in both 32-bit Sparx EA 15.x and 64-bit EA 16.x releases without conversion. Note that this enhancement intersects the work identified in Issue #108.
Enhancement Issue #118:
This enhancement introduces a new builder to generate a LinkML representation of a CIMTool profile. The output from this builder can leverage LinkML's downstream python toolchain that includes generators to convert schemas to other modeling languages and data converters and validators for working with data that conforms to LinkML (including RDF, JSON, SHACL and TSV). The following links offer some useful background as to what LinkML is and how it can be leveraged: LinkML FAQ and LinkML Documentation
Enhancement Issue #133:
PNNL has contributed two new XSLT custom builders (see: cimantic-graphs) that generate python-based code for working with semantic graphs. These have been added as OOTB builders. Thanks to Alex Anderson for his contribution to the CIM community.
Defect Issue #131:
Aggregation relationships between classes were not appearing in either the "Project Model" view or the "Add/Remove" tab in CIMTool (only associations and generalizations were visible). Thanks to Walter Concert for catching and reporting the issue.
NOTE: This release does not yet address the issues as reported in the 2.0.1 release notes. Fixes for custom extensions in RDFS XSLT builders are now targeted for the 2.2.0 release.