A Cintric app for android which implements the Cintric SDK and shows your location history
To get started:
Download this project and open it in Android Studio.
Register for a Cintric developer account to get your SDK key and Secret: http://cintric.com/register https://cintric.com/docs/android#register
In the projects MainActivity, update this line
Cintric.startCintricService(this, "YOUR-SDK-KEY", "YOUR-SECRET");
to contain your Cintric SDK key and Secret. -
Update the strings.xml resource file to contain your google app ID (you can get one here: https://console.developers.google.com/) https://cintric.com/docs/android#add-google-app-id
Update your google_maps_api.xml resource file to contain your google maps API Key. Follow the instructions here to get one https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/start
The app will look something like this: