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Android demo app for the UberMedia ClearBid SDK (v0.6.6)

The UberMedia ClearBid SDK for Android allows you to optimize ad revenue by creating an open auction for your ad space instead of using the traditional waterfall method like other mediation SDKs. It is lightweight and optimized to minimize impact on your application.

Mediation Adapters: You are in the MoPub Branch

If you are using a different mediation layer, please switch branches:

MoPub Branch

DFP Branch

AdMarvel Branch

Demo App

Import this project into Android Studio and press run. You may be prompted to install the necessary platform versions.

Showing Ads

If you've installed the ClearBid SDK as described below, please refer to these code samples:

Adapter Examples

Installation of ClearBid SDK

Installing the UberMedia Header Bidding SDK is done in 3 steps.

  1. Import SDK into project and add it as a dependency
  2. Add Google Play Services to your build.gradle file
  3. Initialize the SDK with code

Import SDK into your project

After downloading the SDK from here, click File > Project Structure in Android Studio. Click the green plus icon in the top left, click Import AAR, select the ubermedia SDK file, press OK and wait for Gradle to finish syncing.

Once Gradle is finished (only a few seconds), click File > Project Structure again. Click on app, then Depenencies tab, then the green icon (top right), select Module dependency, click on ubermedia, then press Ok and wait for Gradle to sync again.

Add Google Play Services to your build.gradle file

Open up your build.gradle file and locate the dependencies section at the bottom of the file.

Add this line:

compile ''

Your dependencies should now have Google Play Services and ubermedia.

Initalize the SDK

To initialize the SDK, you must call the initializeUberMediaSDK method when your app is started.

ClearBid.initializeClearBidSDK(this, "test-1-api-key", "test-1-secret-key");

You should call this method in your Main Activity's onCreate method. Put in your own sdk key and secret here.

Displaying Banner Ad

In your parent layout, add the following:


And add the banner view:


Optional: Enable Location

Enabling location increases bid prices. To do so, add the location permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml and enable location in the UberMedia SDK.

The location permissions are:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

To enable location, call the requestLocationPermission method. For Android 6.0 and above, calling this method will trigger a location permission popup that the user has to allow.


Location popup for Android 6.0 and above: