my own project by lihanyuan (
git clone
- java8
- sbt
- python3
# build every part to verilog and firrtl
make compile
# test all
make test
# test only a part
make test-ALU
# clean built resource
make clean
Build RISC-V toolchains on macOS need a case sensitive file system
hdiutil create -size 20g -type SPARSE -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+" -volname riscv-toolchain riscv-toolchain.sparseimage
hdiutil attach riscv-toolchain.sparseimage
cd /Volumes/riscv-toolchain
brew install gawk gnu-sed gmp mpfr libmpc isl zlib expat
git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
git submodule update --init --recursive