This lightweight and easy-to-navigate web app allows users to search for current weather data and a 3-day forecast based on their location input.
- Search by Location: Enter a city or zipcode to retrieve current weather conditions.
- Dynamic Weather Updates: Access real-time updates for temperature, conditions, and daily forecasts.
- Responsive Design: Compatible with various devices and screen sizes.
- Login Functionality: Secure access with a user authentication feature.
The app fetches real-time weather data from and dynamically updates the web page with the current weather and the forecast for the coming week. This Repo only contains the code needed for the app to run, you will need to get your free API key from and use it in the script.js file.
For demonstration purposes, you can log in using the following credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: 1234
- Live Demo Here.
This application uses vanilla JavaScript for DOM manipulation and event handling. Async/await is utilized for API requests, ensuring that weather data is fetched asynchronously without blocking the UI.
Feel free to fork this repository and contribute by submitting a pull request.
This app is for educational purposes only.