gluahttp provides an easy way to make HTTP requests from within GopherLua.
go get
import ""
import ""
func main() {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
L.PreloadModule("http", NewHttpModule(&http.Client{}).Loader)
if err := L.DoString(`
local http = require("http")
response, error_message = http.request("GET", "", {
`); err != nil {
http.delete(url [, options])
http.get(url [, options])
http.head(url [, options])
http.patch(url [, options]) [, options])
http.put(url [, options])
http.request(method, url [, options])
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
body | String | Request body. |
form | String | Deprecated. URL encoded request body. This will also set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
body | String | Request body. |
form | String | Deprecated. URL encoded request body. This will also set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
body | String | Request body. |
form | String | Deprecated. URL encoded request body. This will also set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
method | String | The HTTP request method |
url | String | URL of the resource to load |
options | Table | Additional options |
Name | Type | Description |
query | String | URL encoded query params |
cookies | Table | Additional cookies to send with the request |
body | String | Request body. |
form | String | Deprecated. URL encoded request body. This will also set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
headers | Table | Additional headers to send with the request |
timeout | Number/String | Request timeout. Number of seconds or String such as "1h" |
auth | Table | Username and password for HTTP basic auth. Table keys are user for username, pass for passwod. auth={user="user", pass="pass"} |
http.response or (nil, error message)
Name | Type | Description |
requests | Table | A table of requests to send. Each request item is by itself a table containing http.request parameters for the request |
[http.response] or ([http.response], [error message])
The http.response
table contains information about a completed HTTP request.
Name | Type | Description |
body | String | The HTTP response body |
body_size | Number | The size of the HTTP reponse body in bytes |
headers | Table | The HTTP response headers |
cookies | Table | The cookies sent by the server in the HTTP response |
status_code | Number | The HTTP response status code |
url | String | The final URL the request ended pointing to after redirects |