Simple Pokedex based on TUI(Terminal User Interface)
- Feature
- Installation
- Usage
- Keyboard Navigation Instructions
- Roadmap
- Troubleshoot
- Pokemon data source
- License
- All Pokemon (until Pokemon SV)
- All Region Form (until Pokemon SV)
- Searchable
- include English, Chinese, Japanese locales data
Download the last version binary depending on your configuration here: Release Page
Then you just need to enter this command in your terminal:
tar -xf <downloaded_archive> poketext
sudo mv poketex /usr/local/bin
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/poketex/colorscripts
sudo cp -rf colorscripts /usr/local/share/poketex
If you're a Rust programmer, poketex can be installed with cargo.
cargo install poketex --locked
If you're using Arch Linux, you can install poketex from the extra repository using pacman:
pacman -S poketex
poketex is written in Rust, so you'll need to grab a Rust installation in order to compile it.
git clone
cd poketex
make build
sudo make install
If you want to uninstall
sudo make uninsall
Usage: poketex [OPTIONS]
-l, --locale <LOCALE> locales [zh, ja, en] [default: en]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Use arrow keys or hjkl
to move around.
Press Page Up
or Page Down
to move 4 steps at a time.
Press f
to switch ascii forms.
Press E
to toggle list showing.
Press A
to toggle ability showing.
Press V
to toggle IV showing.
Press q
to exit.
Press H
to display help information.
Press gg
to go to the top and G
to go to the bottom.
Press alt+j
or alt+k
to scroll up or down ability description.
Press /
to enter search mode.
- show pokemon iv and type
- pokemon list searchable
- add pokemon ability rows
- add region form
- Alola
- Galar
- Hisuian
- Paldea
- add cli flags
- --locale [en, ja, zh]
- for controlling layout
- help key
- gen 9 DLC - The Teal Mask
- gen 9 DLC - The Indigo Disk
- Image support
- Gen 8 and below(powered by pokemon-colorscripts)
- Gen 9(#58, Creator Caruban)
If the ansi images are not displaying, please copy the colorscripts
folder from this repository to /usr/local/share/poketex
git clone
cd poketex
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/poketex/colorscripts
cp -rf colorscripts /usr/local/share/poketex
data generated from ckaznable/poke-data-crawler