Typesetting documents, papers, or letters in LaTeX can be verbose, and error-prone. A bunch of snippets provided in this repository try to reduce this tedium to as low as practicable.
A demo of snippets in action.
The concept of a snippet is simple. Think of a block of pre-formatted text (i.e., a template) that one needs to use often. One can of-course type or copy-paste such blocks of text repeatedly the hard way, or one could instead assign such common blocks of text with an abbreviated keyword, which in turn calls the entire block of text. To ensure such blocks do not accidentally appear while typing the actual content of the note, paper, or report, a trigger is required. To illustrate this, see below:
In Vim's insert mode, typing note
and hitting tab key on the keyboard inserts the following block, and focuses on the first user input Title in the template. Type the title. To jump to the next placeholder Author, hold ctrl and press j (c-j
in Vim parlance). The shortcut to jumping between placeholders can be set in ~/.vimrc
%!TeX TS-program = xelatex
%!TeX encoding = utf-8 Unicode
This repository contains the following snippets:
Snippets | Description |
letter + tab |
Inserts a letter template |
note + tab |
Inserts a note template (for XeLaTeX) |
toc + tab |
Inserts a TOC block |
beg + tab |
Inserts a begin/end block |
sum + tab |
Inserts a summary section block |
sec + tab |
Inserts a section block |
sub + tab |
Inserts a subsection block |
subs + tab |
Inserts a subsubsection block |
enum + tab |
Inserts an enumerate list block |
itm + tab |
Inserts an itemize list block |
it + tab |
Inserts an item line |
des + tab |
Inserts a description list block |
par + tab |
Inserts a paragraph block |
fig + tab |
Inserts a figure/label block |
tabl + tab |
Inserts a table block |
ref + tab |
Inserts a reference block |
bi + tab |
Inserts a bib item block |
apdx + tab |
Inserts an appendix block |
pdf + tab |
Inserts an includepdf line |
// + tab |
Inserts a formatted fraction |
bf + tab |
Inserts bold face tag \textbf{} |
em + tab |
Inserts emphasize tag \emph{} |
sr + tab |
Inserts a formatted square |
cb + tab |
Inserts a formatted cube |
compl + tab |
Inserts a complement |
To be able to use snippets, the following are required:
- Vim or Neovim with python3 support.
- UltiSnips
- latex-snippets-vim
- Set up vim-plug plug-in manager
- Set the required UltiSnips plug-in for latex-snippets-vim by adding the following to
file (see the author's version of .vimrc for reference):
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
" UltiSnips for snippets
Plug 'sirver/ultisnips'
" LaTeX snippets for Vim using UltiSnips (downloads only tagged releases)
Plug 'ckunte/latex-snippets-vim', { 'tag': '*' }
call plug#end()
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = '<tab>'
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = '<c-j>'
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = '<c-k>'
Reload .vimrc
and :PlugInstall
to install plug-ins.
Place *.snippets
files under, say, ~/.vim/UltiSnips/
(and reload ~/.vimrc
with source ~/.vimrc
if appropriate). This method is not recommended because then one needs to keep track of updates and will have to manually download and place these whenever snippets are updated.