Shows how to have a simple auto save functionality in Unity with Google Play Game Services
For complete documentation see:
There are a lot of steps and callbacks in order to save data using the Saved Games API and Unity, so I made a simple example that is super simple to demonstrate saving and loading a couple fields.
I serialized the values to a delmited string for simplicitity. A more robust serialization could be used for a lot of data.
When the game starts, it logs in the user (make sure they are a tester on the play console). Once the login is successful, the auto saved game data is loaded.
Change the values, and then click save. This saves the data (ok - not exactly autosaved, but you get the idea).
Exit the game, or start on another device - the game data will be there.
Setup the game on the Play console before running this application, the saved game system caches information on the device, and if you run the game before enabling saved games, you either need to wait 24 hours, or clear the Play Services Data on the device. This is a pain - and Google is working on improving that.
Here are the steps I took to run this app successfully on both Android and iOS 7.0
I was using Unity 4.6.2f1, Android Lollypop (5.0), XCode 6.1 and iOS 7.0
I referenced the Google Play Games C++ SDK Version 1.3 and Google Play Games SDK for iOS 3.1
To Configure the game:
- Go to games console (
- Add new game
- Turn on Saved Games, click Save
- Click Linked apps. then android
- Set the package name (and remember it)
- Save and continue
- Click "Authorize your app now"
- click continue.
- get the fingerprint of your debug key:
- keytool -list -v -keystore "\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
- paste in the SHA1 fingerprint and continue.
- copy the client id.
- NOTE: for android you only need the number part.
Now, Go to Unity
- Import the Google Play Game Services plugin.
- Click Google Play Games/Android Setup.
- enter the client id for the application id.
- if you get a warning about version 6111000 and you know you have a new version of the SDK, click OK. 5 . File/Build Settings.... - change the type to Android
- click player settings
- other settings - bundle id - paste in the package name you configured.
- publishing settings - select the debug keystore and the androiddebugkey alias
- Import autosavesample.unitypackage (from this repo).
- Click build and run.
To build for iOS
- Go to play console and link an IOS application
- enter the package name used for the android setup
- Authorize - make sure the package name is still the same.
- copy the entire client id
Go To Unity and click Google PLay Games/ IOS setup Enter the client id and the bundle (package) name
File/ Build Settings Change type to ios Go to player settings, other Settings, and change the Target iOS Version to 7.0 Build and run Select a directory name under the project e.g. xcode (At this point the build fails) Add the additional libraries needed (listed in the dialog in Unity) Remember to add the linker flag -ObjC
Build the xcode project and run.