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A Kubernetes operator for submitting and managing jobs on CERN's HTCondor installation

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HTCondor Job operator


This is a Kubernetes operator that allows the submission of HTCondor jobs. When the operator is installed in the cluster, it creates a Pod which periodically checks the status of Kubernetes HTCJob resources and updates their status based on the HTCondor jobs associated with them.


The operator uses several external items that need to be created in order for it to work.

To use HTCondor, CERN user credentials, a username and a password, are needed. They are extracted from a secret named kinit-secret which looks like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: kinit-secret
type: Opaque
  username: <username in BASE64>
  password: <password in BASE64>

An sqlite3 database is used to record the statuses of HTCJobs. It is stored in a cephfs volume, so to access it, StorageClass csi-cephfs-cms definition is needed, which looks something like:

kind: StorageClass
  name: csi-cephfs-cms
provisioner: manila-provisioner
  type: "Geneva CephFS Testing"
  zones: nova
  osSecretName: os-trustee
  osSecretNamespace: kube-system
  protocol: CEPHFS
  backend: csi-cephfs
  # the share should be of size > 1 
  # id for some_share from `manila list`
  osShareID: <ID>
  # id from `manila access-list some_share`
  osShareAccessID: <ID>

Only the two marked fields need to be changed. Access to these Ids should be limited, as they allow the modification of the database that is stored in the cephfs volume. More instructions on cephfs and manila can be found here (Kubernetes) and here (manila).

The cephfs volume needs to have a directory /sqlite/ that is writable. The database holds a table named htcjobs, and is automatically created in the mentioned directory located in the cephfs volume if it's not already there. After the initial creation, the database is only modified to add additional fields, but never recreated, even when the operator deleted and created anew.

Ingress for cloudevents

In order to make communication between a process inside an HTCondor job and the operator pod possible, an Ingress and a Service are created when deploying the operator; their definitions can be found in deploy/operator.yaml. The Service specifies a host to be used, which has to match the host assigned to the Kubernetes cluster on which the operator is running. Instructions on how to setup a custom domain for the cluster (like the in this example), can be found here under sections Cluster Setup and Simple HTTP Ingress.

Building the operator

The operator pod uses a Docker image based on build/Dockerfile. The user inside the container must be the same as in the kinit-secret, so the following line has to be updated:

ARG USER_NAME=<your_username>

Then two separate executables have to be compiled into a directory that will be moved to the container:

go build -o build/bin/receiver cloudevents/receiver.go
go build -o build/bin/sender cloudevents/sender.go

To compile the rest of the code, build the container image and push it to Docker Hub, run

operator-sdk build xkxgygmoqkguuddnkz/htc-operator
docker push xkxgygmoqkguuddnkz/htc-operator

The xkxgygmoqkguuddnkz repository is chosen at 'random' and should be changed.

These steps should be repeated after changes to code are made.

Operator deployment

To create the HTCJob CRD and operator, run:

kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/


A simple example can be found in examples/retcode/zero.yaml:

kind: HTCJob
  name: zero
  name: zero
    image: centos
    command: bash
    source: |
      echo "A"

When this HTCJob is created in the cluster, its current state can be obtained with

kubectl get htcjob zero -o yaml

When the job is sent to HTCondor, the status of the HTCJob is updated and the description shows and additional status field

  active: 1
  failed: 0
  - "884426.0"
  succeeded: 0

which specifies the job status and Id in HTCondor.

HTCJob resource fields

The operator submits an HTCondor job, which executes singularity with arguments taken from the HTCJob spec:

  • .spec.script.image: container image to use
  • .spec.script.command: command to be run in the container
  • .spec.script.source: contents of a script file that is given as an argument to `.spec.script.command'
  • .spec.script.queue: optional, specify the number of jobs to be sent. The job number in the sequence is an argument to the script
  • .spec.htcopts: additional options to add to the htcondor submission file

After the job is submitted, its .status field gets populated:

  • number of currently running HTCondor jobs
  • .status.failed: number of HTCondor jobs in which singularity exited with a return code != 0
  • .status.succeeded: number of HTCondor jobs in which singularity exited with a return code == 0
  • .status.jobid: array of Ids of the jobs submitted to HTCondor

Logic and components of the operator

The operator is composed of three parts:

  • operator application
  • sqlite database
  • cloudevents receiver and listener

What happens with each HTCJob step-by-step

1. Job submission

The htc-operator pod runs a listener application build/_output/bin/htc-operator. When an HTCJob is created in the cluster, the operator application reads its .spec and submits an HTCondor job based on it.

2. Recording the status of the job

After the job is submitted, its status is recorded in two places:

  • .status field of the HTCJob resource in the Kubernetes cluster
  • sqlite database

The following values are written to the table htcjobs.

  • htcjobName:name of the HTCJob resource
  • jobId: job Id (ClusterId.ProcId)
  • status: job status, initial value of which is set to '1', but later is changed to '4' or '7'
  • tempDir: path from which the job was sent (note on this at 'Retrieving the logs from HTCondor')

3. Listening

After the submission of the job is recorded, the operator application runs a loop (the Reconcile loop) that checks whether all jobs submitted have 'succeeded'. The database is queried every 10s whether all the jobs from .status.jobid have the status value equal to '4' in the table htcjobs.

4. Running the HTCondor job

The HTCondor job runs the user-defined script in a singularity container. Then, when the singularity process exits, its return code is recorded. The return code and HTCJob name are given as arguments to the sender application, which is run from within the HTCondor job.

5. Updating the job status

Alongside the htc-operator application, in the operator pod runs a receiver application. When the HTCondor job finishes, the 'receiver' gets an HTTP request from the sender, which includes the HTCJob name, jobid and return code, which are used to update the HTCondor job status in the database. If the return code is equal to zero, status value in htcjobs table is set to 4 for that job, 7 otherwise. The htc-operator application calculates the number of completed jobs during every query. If the status is equal to 4, it contributes to the count of .status.succeeded, if it is equal to 7 - to .status.failed, and if it is hasn't changed and is still equal to 1 - to

6. Finishing the Reconcile loop

When the number of becomes equal to zero, that is, all HTCJobs have completed, the Reconcile loop keeps on running without doing any modifications to the HTCJob status, until the resource is deleted. and the finalizer attached to it removes the HTCondor jobs associated with it.

Retrieving logs from HTCondor

The jobs are submitted with condor_submit -spool, since the -spool option allows manual retrieval of logs of the completed job. In order to get these logs, condor_transfer_data can be used. However, the data can only be transferred to the same directory from which the job was submitted. The directory name is saved in the database and also is outputted by condor_transfer_data in case of error.


As soon as an HTCJob resource is created, a finalizer is attached to it, which ensures that when the resource is deleted, the job that is assiociated with it is also deleted from the HTCondor queue. More info here

Resources used

Openshift tutorial for operator-sdk: here

General overview of Kubernetes operators and their frameworks: here

Metacontroller - a simpler operator framework that helped me get a better understanding of Kubernetes controllers/operators: here


A Kubernetes operator for submitting and managing jobs on CERN's HTCondor installation






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