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Privacy Regulations

d.eshenko edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 4 revisions

⚡ Before you start
Make sure you have correctly initialize CAS.

CleverAdsSolutions requires you to set flags indicating whether users are in an age-restricted category.

Prohibition on Personal Information from Children

Publishers may designate all inventory within their applications as being child-directed or as COPPA-applicable though our UI. Publishers who have knowledge of specific individuals as being COPPA-applicable should make use of the API discussed below to inform CAS and all downstream consumers of this information.


If you know that the user falls within an age-restricted category (i.e., under the age of 16), you must set the CHILDREN audience flag:

CAS.settings.taggedAudience = Audience.CHILDREN

It also allows application to comply with the Google Play Families Policy requirements:

  • Ads displayed to those users do not involve interest-based advertising or remarketing;
  • Ads displayed to those users present content that is appropriate for children;
  • Ads displayed to those users follow the Families ad format requirements;
  • Compliance with all applicable legal regulations and industry standards relating to advertising to children.


If you know that the user does not fall within an age-restricted category, you must set the NOT_CHILDREN audience flag:

CAS.settings.taggedAudience = Audience.NOT_CHILDREN


The user's age has not been determined.

CAS.settings.taggedAudience = Audience.UNDEFINED

If your app's target age groups include both children and older audiences, any ads that may be shown to children must comply with Google Play's Families Ads Program.
A neutral age screen must be implemented so that any ads not suitable for children are only shown to older audiences.
A neutral age screen is a mechanism to verify a user's age in a way that doesn't encourage them to falsify their age and gain access to areas of your app that aren't designed for children, for example, an age gate.

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