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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation PHP Client

Run the following command to install the package:

composer require clickonmedia/frameio-php-client API Documentation

Basic Usage

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Frameio\FrameIOClient;

$frameIO =  new FrameIOClient(<frameio-token>);
echo $frameIO->getHost();

Development / Run tests

Copy .env.example file from the root directory and rename the file to .env. Fill in the variables in the file based on information from the dashboard.

composer install
composer run-script test

Available functionality

Get user profile


Gets teams for a user


Get Teams By Account Id

@param string $accountId Account ID (required)

$frameIO->getTeamsByAccountId( $accountId )

Get user membership for a team

@param string $teamId Team ID (required)

$frameIO->getTeamMembership( $teamId )

Add user membership to a team

@param string $teamId Team ID (required)
@param string $userId User ID (required)
@param string $role Member Role (required)

$frameIO->addTeamMembership( $teamId, $userId, $role )

Create project

@param string $name Project name (required)
@param string $teamId Team ID (required)
@param boolean $private Set project as private (optional)

$frameIO->createProject( $name, $teamId, $private )

Get project by id

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)

$frameIO->getProjectById( $projectId )

Delete project by id

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)

$frameIO->deleteProjectById( $projectId )

Get Projects By Team ID

@param string $teamId Team ID (required)

$frameIO->getProjectsByTeamid( $teamId )

Get user membership for project

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)

$frameIO->getUserMembershipForProject( $projectId )

Add a collaborator to a team

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)
@param string $email User email address (required)

$frameIO->addCollaboratorToTeam( $projectId, $email )

Create an asset

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)

@param string $args Additional arguments (required):

name string Name (required)
filesize int Filesize (required)
type string Type (required: "file" or "folder")
description string Description (optional)
filetype string File type (optional, e.g. "video/mp4")
fileUrl string File URL (optional)
properties array Custom Properties (optional)

$frameIO->createAsset( $projectId, $args );

Get assets

@param string $rootAssetId Parent asset ID (required)
@param string $type Type (default value: "file")

$frameIO->getAssets( $rootAssetId, $type )

Get an Asset by ID

@param string $assetId Asset ID (required)

$frameIO->getAssetById( $assetId )

Update an Asset

@param string $assetId Asset ID (required)
@param string $name Name (required)
@param string $args Additional arguments (optional):

Property Type Default Description
Description string "" -
Properties array []/key value pair array Numberns are clicked.
$frameIO->updateAssetById( $assetId, $name, $args )

Delete an Asset By ID

@param string $assetId Asset ID (required)

$frameIO->deleteAssetById( $assetId )

Add a version to an Asset

@param string $assetId Asset ID (required)
@param string $nextAssetId Next Asset ID (required)

$frameIO->addVersionToAsset( $assetId, $nextAssetId )

Get Project Assets

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)

$frameIO->getProjectAssets( $projectId )

Upload a file to an asset

@param object $asset The asset object (required)
@param string $file_path File path of the file (required)

$frameIO->upload( $asset, $file_path );

Create a Comment

@param string $assetId Asset ID (required)
@param object $args Additional arguments (required)

text string The body of the comment. (optional)
annotation string Serialized list of geometry and/or drawing data. (optional)
timestamp string Timestamp for the comment, in frames. (optional)
page string Page number for a comment (optional, documents only).
pitch integer Pitch measurement for the comment (optional, 360deg video only)
yaw string Yaw measurement for the comment (optional, 360deg video only)

$frameIO->createComment( $assetId, $args )

Get Comments By Asset Id

@param string $assetId Asset ID (required)

$frameIO->getComments( $assetId )

Get Comment By Comment Id

@param string $commentId Comment ID (required)

$frameIO->getCommentById( $commentId )

Update a Comment

@param string $commentId Comment ID (required)
@param string $text Comment text (default value: "")

$frameIO->updateComment( $commentId, $text )

Delete a Comment

@param string $commentId Comment ID (required)

$frameIO->deleteCommentById ( $commentId )

Get Review Links for Project

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)

$frameIO->getReviewLinks( $projectId )

Create a Review Link

@param string $projectId Project ID (required)
@param string $name Review link name (required)
@param string $args Additional arguments (optional):

allow_approvals boolean Allow Approvals (default value: false)
current_version_only boolean Current Version Only (default value: false)
enable_downloading boolean Enable Downloading (default value: false)
requires_passphrase boolean Requires Passphrase (default value: false)
password string Password (default value: "")
expires_at string Expires At (default value: "")

$frameIO->createReviewLink( $projectId, $name, $args )

Update a Review Link

@param string $reviewLinkId Review link ID (required)
@param string $name Review name (required)
@param string $args Additional arguments (optional):

allow_approvals boolean Allow Approvals (default value: false)
current_version_only boolean Current Version Only (default value: false)
enable_downloading boolean Enable Downloading (default value: false)
requires_passphrase boolean Requires Passphrase (default value: false)
password string Password (default value: "")
expires_at string Expires At (default value: "")

$frameIO->UpdateReviewLink( $reviewLinkId, $name, args )

Get a Review Link

@param string $link_id Review link ID (required)

$frameIO->getReviewLink( $link_id )

Get Review Link Items

@param string $link_id Review link ID (required)

$frameIO->getReviewLinkItems( $link_id )

Add Assets to a Review Link

@param string $reviewLinkId Review link ID (required)
@param array $assetIds Asset IDs (required, array of ids)

$frameIO->addAssetsToReviewLink( $reviewLinkId, $assetIds )

Search for Assets

@param string $query Search query (default value: "")
@param string $teamId Team ID (default value: "")
@param string $accountId Account ID (default value: "")

$frameIO->getSearchAssets ( $query, $teamId, $accountId )

Search for Assets (Complex)

@param string $query Search query (default value: "")
@param string $teamId Team ID (default value: "")
@param string $accountId Account ID (default value: "")
@param string $filter Filter for the query (default value: [], key value pair Array)

$frameIO->searchAssets ( $query , $teamId , $accountId, $filter )