Releases: clij/clij2
Releases · clij/clij2
Bugfix (again): countNonZeroPixels didn't work with large 2d images (details:
Bugfix: countNonZeroPixels didn't work with large 2d images (details:
- When called from java/jython rotate2d and rotated3d used radians as angle and not degrees (thanks to @artgolden for reporting)
Bug fixes
- MeanOfMaskedPixels did not deliver a correct result in case the binary image had values different from 0 and 1 (thanks for reporting and fixing @schmiedc )
- BoundingBox did not deliver a correct result in case the binary image had values different from 0 and 1 (thanks for reporting and fixing @schmiedc )
Backwards compatibility breaking bug fix
- generateParametricImage had a parameter-order mismatch (thanks to @biovoxxel for reporting). In case you were using this function before, please exchange the order of the first and second parameter when calling it.
Sync releases of clij2, clicy, clatlab and clupath
Bug fixes
- Bugfix: Voronoi-Otsu-Labeling and Masked-Voronoi-Labeling threw an error on some Intel devices because of cl_image incompatibility
- Bugfix: Erode labels with radius 1 and relabel_islands lead to misleadingly connected result
New features
- Support for push/pull of Short and Integer arrays. (Big thanks to Marc Mongy for this contribution!)
Bug fixes
- Image support on older GPUs was wrongly identified leading to artifacts in images
- Push in for-loops was potentially broken in ImageJ macro since
See also:
New features
- About 100 new functions, transitioned from clijx. See transition guide for details.
Removal note:
- The deprecated clij_custom_convolution_plugin and clij-ops were removed from the clij distribution in Fiji.
New features (transitioned from clijx)
- AverageDistanceOfNClosestNeighborsMap
- AverageNeighborDistanceMap
- Cosinus
- CylinderTransform
- Different
- DilateLabels (formerly known as ExtendLabelsWithMaximumRadius)
- DivideByGaussianBackground
- DivideScalarByImage
- DrawDistanceMeshBetweenTouchingLabels
- DrawMeshBetweenNNearestLabels (formerly known as CLIJ2_drawMeshBetweenNClosestLabels)
- DrawMeshBetweenProximalLabels
- DrawMeshBetweenTouchingLabels
- ErodeLabels (formerly known as ShrinkLabels)
- EuclideanDistanceFromLabelCentroidMap
- ExcludeLabelsOutsideSizeRange
- ExtendedDepthOfFocusSobelProjection
- ExtendedDepthOfFocusTenengradProjection
- ExtendedDepthOfFocusVarianceProjection
- ExtensionRatioMap (formerly known as LabelMaximumExtensionRatioMap)
- GammaCorrection
- GenerateNNearestNeighborsMatrix
- GenerateProximalNeighborsMatrix
- GreyscaleClosingBox
- GreyscaleClosingSphere
- GreyscaleOpeningBox
- GreyscaleOpeningSphere
- LabelOverlapCountMap
- LabelProximalNeighborCountMap
- LabelSurface
- MakeIsotropic
- MaskedVoronoiLabeling
- MaximumDistanceOfTouchingNeighbors
- MaximumExtensionMap (formerly known as LabelMaximumExtensionMap)
- MaximumIntensityMap (formerly known as LabelMaximumIntensityMap)
- MaximumOfNNearestNeighborsMap
- MaximumTouchingNeighborDistanceMap (formerly known as MaximumNeighborDistanceMap)
- MeanExtensionMap (formerly known as LabelMeanExtensionMap)
- MeanIntensityMap (formerly known as LabelMeanIntensityMap)
- MeanOfNNearestNeighborsMap
- MeanOfProximalNeighborsMap
- MeanOfTouchingNeighborsMap
- MedianZProjectionMasked
- MergeTouchingLabels
- MinimumIntensityMap (formerly known as LabelMinimumIntensityMap)
- MinimumOfNNearestNeighborsMap
- MinimumOfProximalNeighborsMap
- MinimumOfTouchingNeighborsMap
- MinimumTouchingNeighborDistanceMap (formerly known as MinimumNeighborDistanceMap)
- ModeOfNNearestNeighborsMap
- ModeOfProximalNeighborsMap
- ModeOfTouchingNeighbors
- ModeOfTouchingNeighborsMap
- OutOfIntensityRange
- PixelCountMap (formerly known as LabelPixelCountMap)
- PointIndexListToTouchMatrix
- ProximalNeighborCountMap (formerly known as LabelProximalNeighborCountMap)
- Pull2DPointListAsRoi
- PullTile
- PullToResultsTableColumn
- PushArray2D
- PushAs
- PushTile
- ReadValuesFromMap (also known as CLIJx ReadIntensitiesFromMap)
- ReadValuesFromPositions
- ReduceLabelsToCentroids (formerly known as ReduceLabelsToLabelledSpots)
- ReduceLabelsToLabelEdges
- ReslicePolar
- RigidTransform
- Similar
- Sinus
- SobelSliceBySlice
- SphereTransform
- StackToTiles
- StandardDeviationBox
- StandardDeviationIntensityMap (formerly known as LabelStandardDeviationIntensityMap)
- StandardDeviationOfNNearestNeighborsMap
- StandardDeviationOfProximalNeighborsMap
- StandardDeviationOfTouchingNeighborsMap
- SubStack
- Tenengrad
- TenengradSliceBySlice
- TouchingNeighborCountMap
- TouchingNeighborDistanceRangeRatioMap (formerly known as NeighborDistanceRangeRatioMap)
- VarianceBox
- VarianceSphere
- VisualizeOutlinesOnOriginal
- VoronoiOtsuLabeling
- WithinIntensityRange
- ZPositionOfMaximumZProjections
- ZPositionOfMinimumZProjections
- ZPositionRangeProjections
- ZPositionProjections
Deprecated functions
- CLIJ2_drawMeshBetweenNClosestLabels use CLIJ2_drawMeshBetweenNNeighborsLabels instead
- Min/Mean/Max/StdDev of Touching neighbors with radius < 0 are now handled as if radius was 0. A warning is printed out as well.
- N-Nearest neighborhoods were computed in a misleading way.