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Bootcamp Web API


What is API

Application: User interacting with machine, human to machine API: Application Programming Interface, machine to machine Allows communications between software

  • Application interacting with OperatingSystem (e.g. open file)
  • Shell (bash, zsh) – scripting over OS

Demo/Hands On (part-01)

  • Sample clients consuming API

    • Text editor vscode viewing/editing files
    • Web Browser viewing local files in Read-Only mode
      • Note index/parent directory
  • Simple Quotes CLI Application

    • cd part-01
    • ./ Show day-of-week quote
    • ./ Show random quote

Web - HTTP

Now that we have an Application, we want to share with the world

  • Web Server: An application serving contents
  • Web Client: An application requesting contents

Analogy: A customer (Web Browser) ordering food via the server (Web Server) in a restaurant

  • Web Server can serve:
    • static: images, binary contents, files
    • dynamic: current time, transforming input data, reading from database
  • Reponse status codes are organized
    • 1xx: Informational
    • 2xx: Success
    • 3xx: Redirects
    • 4xx: Client errors
    • 5xx: Server errors

Demo/Hands On (part-01)

  • Start server
    • cd part-01
    • ./
  • Use browser to view files
    • Note index page shows a listing of files
  • HTTP is a simple protocol (URI, Verbs)
    • Curl
      • curl localhost:8080/01.txt
      • curl –X GET localhost:8080/01.txt
    • Chrome:
      • Browse to localhost:8080/01.txt
      • Inspect Network: View > Developer Tools > Network
      • Note General Section
    • Postman:
      • Settings > ScratchPad
      • Paste localhost:8080/01.txt > Send
      • Inspect output
  • Navigate to a non-existent location: 404 Not Found


  • Raw TCP communication
    • telnet localhost 8080
    • Type the following
      GET / <enter> <enter>

Web - HTML

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

  • Build engaging content
    • HyperText: text that links to other resources (index page)
  • Can refer to additional resources
    • Images
    • CSS (styles)
    • Javascript (code running on browser)

Demo/Hands On (part-03)

  • Start server
    • cd part-03
    • ./
  • Convert quotes to html, use some html elements
    • <blockquote> or <q>
    • Feel free to play with HTML, reload page

Remote/Web API

  • HTML: Only targets Browsers, more for Human consumption. There are many types of Applications:
    • Browser
    • Desktop Applications
    • Mobile Applications
  • These applications can consume HTML content directly
    • Scraping – common as a quick and dirty approach to consumer external data, brittle
  • Possible approach: Go back to raw data only, continue to use HTTP
    • Text – require parsing to identify quotes, author, etc
    • CSV – comma separate (author, quote)
    • XML (Like HTML, but describe just the data)
    • JSON

Demo/Hands On (part-03)

  • Start server
    • cd part-03
    • ./
  • Inspect output from Web - HTML
    • Chrome: Right Click -> Inspect
    • Think about how to process/parse necessary data
    • How is it brittle?
    • Compare .html vs .txt

Rest API

  • Representational state transfer (REST)

    • NOUNs: Resources identified via URI (unique name)
    • VERBs: Re-using HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    • Media Type (Response): JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) most common
    • Similar to browsing regular website, but getting response in JSON
    • Payload is very small compared to HTML
    • Has a schema, this makes it very easy for any Applications to consume the data
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

    • Most common Media Type (Response)
    • Benefits
      • Human readable, data self documenting with good naming
      • Easy to consume
      • Example
          "id": 1,
          "author": "Lao Tzu",
          "quote": "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Demo/Hands On (part-05)

  • Start server
    • cd part-05
    • ./
  • Update quotes to JSON format
  • Fetching JSON data from Browser
    • Open Developer Console
      response = await fetch('./01.json')
      json = await response.json()
  • Inspect 01.html
    • Note how we are using JavaScript to retrieve data


  • Text
    txtResponse = await fetch('./01.txt')
    txt = await response.json()
    txtSplit = txt.Split(/\n/)
    txtData = {
      author: txtSplit[1],
      quote: txtSplit[0]
    Limitation: Quote cannot have new line.
  • CSV
    csvResponse = await fetch('./01.csv')
    csv = await response.json()
    csvSplit = txt.Split(/,/)
    csvData = {
      author: csvSplit[1],
      quote: csvSplit[0]
    Limitation: Cannot handle quote with commas.


Create Read Update Delete

  • Common set of operations for resource based API (Remember VERB NOUN)
    • POST /quotes/: Create a new quote with data in the body
    • GET /quotes/<quote-id>: Get a specific quote
    • PUT /quotes/<quote-id>: Create a new quote/Update existing entire quote
    • DELETE /quotes/<quote-id>: Delete existing quote
    • GET /quotes/: Get a list of all quotes
    • PATCH /quotes/<quote-id>: Update existing quote with only fields specified in the body
  • Special
    • Search/Filtering
      • List with query params or body params
      • Possibly include VERB (e.g. /search) in the URI


  • Cart API

OpenAPI (Swagger)

REST API Specification OpenAPIs

  • Describe API (Documentation)
    • Endpoints
    • Inputs and Outputs (Schema)
    • Support calling API against endpoints
    • Include examples
  • Benefits
    • Validation/Linting on Specification
    • Data Validation
    • Documentation
    • Code Generation (for Design First approach)
    • Tools
      • Design: Graphical Editors
      • Mock Servers
      • Testing
  • Two Approaches:
    • Design-First: Preferable, consumer focused
    • Code-First: Generate OpenAPI Spec definition from code
      • less control

Demo/Hands On (part-06)

  • Start server
    • cd part-06
    • ./
  • Demo Quote OpenAPI (id, author, quote)
    • Swagger
      • Load quotes.json
      • Set parameters, Execute

OpenAPI - Design Exercise

We have an API specification for our products resource, now we need the cart item resources defined. Use the Swagger Editor

  1. Load ./part-07/api.json into the editor
  2. First lets define the Model or Schema
    • what type of data does a shopping cart have in it
  3. Create the cartitems/ URLs. Different for resources & collections
  4. Define the CRUD operations and a R-Collections
  5. Do the status codes make sense
  6. Make sure to save a copy of your spec. You will need it to build your API


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