Overview: CreatorTeste is a C# application designed to facilitate test creation and management. It features multiple forms for different functionalities such as user registration, test setup, and profile management. Due to its dependency on a large database, users must contact the project owner to obtain the necessary database files.
Key Functionalities:
Form Management:
- FormBunVenit: The welcome form that serves as the entry point for the application.
- FormaAdaugareDomeniiNoi: Allows administrators to add new domains or subjects for the tests.
- FormaAfisareProfil: Displays the user profile with options to view and edit personal information.
- FormaEditareIntreabare: Provides an interface for editing questions in the test database.
- FormaInregistrareAdministrator: Handles the registration of new administrators, including input validation and profile picture upload.
- FormaIntrebare: Manages the creation and modification of individual questions within a test.
- FormaLogareAdministrator: The login form for administrators, ensuring secure access to administrative functionalities.
- FormaSetupTest: Facilitates the setup of new tests, including specifying the number of questions and time limits.
- FormaVizualizareRezultate: Displays the results of tests, allowing administrators to review and analyze performance.
Database Interaction:
- Utilizes Entity Framework for database operations.
- Contains models such as
(questions) andt_Conturi
(accounts) for structured data storage.
UI Components:
- Employs various Windows Forms controls such as
, andPictureBox
. - Custom components like
for enhanced UI/UX.
- Employs various Windows Forms controls such as
Administrative Tools:
- Provides tools for administrators to manage tests, questions, and user accounts.
- Includes features for adding, editing, and deleting records in the database.
Setup Instructions: To run the application, download the source code from the GitHub Repository and contact me at trasca.robert2003@gmail.com to obtain the database.
- C#