Python Puzzle Quest is an educational puzzle game with the goal of teaching Python and object-oriented programming.
The game will run in a web browser, with Python code execution handled by Brython, an implementation of Python 3 that runs in the browser. The game interface and interaction will be handled with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Name: Python Puzzle Quest
- Genre: Educational/Puzzle
- Target Audience: Beginners to intermediate Python learners
- Platform: Web
- Style: Mix of 2D and 3D
- Art: Simple and minimalistic, to keep the focus on the puzzles and learning Python.
- Mechanics: Player solves puzzles by completing Python code snippets or creating algorithms.
- Level 1: Python Basics (variables, data types, operators)
- Level 2: Control Flow (if/else, loops)
- Level 3: Functions and Modules
- Level 4: Data Structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets)
- Level 5: Object-Oriented Programming (classes, objects, inheritance)
- Level 6: Exception Handling and File I/O
- Level 7: Python Standard Library (useful modules and packages)
- Level 8: Advanced Python (decorators, generators, context managers)
- Bonus Level: Real-world Python applications (web scraping, data analysis, machine learning basics)
- Framework: Brython (Python execution), HTML/CSS/JavaScript (UI and game interaction)
- Development Environment: Visual Studio Code with Devcontainers
- 3D Graphics Library: Three.js or Babylon.js
- Code Editor: Built-in lightweight code editor for writing Python code.
- Learning Resources: Links to documentation, tutorials, or explanations for each puzzle.
- Hint System: Provide hints or partial solutions for puzzles.
- Scoring System: Points earned for correct solutions, time taken, code efficiency, etc.
- Save/Load: Ability to save progress and continue later.
- Multiplayer: Ability to collaborate on puzzles with other players.
- User-Generated Content: Allow players to create and share their own puzzles.
- Regular Updates: Add new puzzles and features regularly to keep players engaged.
- Competitive Mode: Leaderboards, time trials, etc.
- Advanced Topics: Introduce more advanced Python topics in later levels or expansions.
- Brython:
- Visual Studio Code:
- Devcontainers:
- Three.js:
- Babylon.js: