The following instructions are provided to demonstrate how to provision a new EKS cluster and automatically deploy a fully functional Stocks cloud native web application.
An equivalent ECS setup is located here:
Two different Kubernetes architectures are provided for the deployment of the Stocks cloud native web app. The main difference between architectures is the Stock API routing path. To swap between the different architectures, set the k8s.stocks_app_architecture
local variable to be either arch1
or arch2
locals {
name = "cloudacademydevops"
environment = "prod"
vpc_cidr = ""
azs = slice(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names, 0, 2)
# tolist([
# "us-west-2a",
# "us-west-2b"
# ])
k8s = {
stocks_app_architecture = "arch1" #either arch1 or arch2
cluster_name = "${}-eks-${local.environment}"
version = "1.31"
instance_types = ["m5.large"]
capacity_type = "ON_DEMAND"
disk_size = 20
min_size = 2
max_size = 2
desired_size = 2
rds = {
master_username = "root"
master_password = "followthewhiterabbit"
db_name = "cloudacademy"
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.08.0"
acu = {
min = 0.5
max = 1.0
The Stocks cloud native web app consists of the following 3 main components:
Implements a web UI using the following languages/frameworks/tools:
- React 16
- Yarn
- Nginx
Source Code and Artifacts:
- GitHub Repo:
- Container Image: cloudacademydevops/stocks-app:v2
Implements a RESTful based API using the following languages/frameworks/tools:
- Java 17
- Spring Boot
- Maven 3
Source Code and Artifacts:
- GitHub Repo:
- Container Image: cloudacademydevops/stocks-api:v2
Aurora RDS DB (serverless v2) SQL database:
- MySQL 8.0
Ensure that the following tools are installed and configured appropriately.
- Terraform CLI
- Helm CLI
- Kubectl CLI
Note: The terraforming commands below have been tested successfully using the following versions:
: 1.5.3aws
: aws-cli/2.13.2helm
: 3.12.2kubectl
: 1.27.4
Application Deployment
1.1. Initialise the Terraform working directory. Execute the following commands:
cd terraform terraform init
1.2. Provision a new EKS cluster and deploy the Stocks cloud native application automatically. Execute the following command:
terraform apply -auto-approve
Confirm Access to the EKS Cluster
2.1. Examine the EKS nodes setup. If this command returns successfully then the EKS cluster and access to it has been established successfully.
kubectl get nodes
If the previous command errors out due to an authentication issue, consider running the following AWS CLI command to re-establish a KUBECONFIG settings file:
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/config aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name cloudacademydevops-eks
Examine EKS Cluster Resources
3.1. Check Namespaces
kubectl get ns
3.2. Check Ingress Controller Setup
kubectl get all -n nginx-ingress
3.3. Check Cloud Native App Setup
kubectl get all,ingress,secret -n cloudacademy
Examine Aurora RDS DB
4.1. List Database Clusters
aws rds describe-db-clusters --region us-west-2
4.2. List Database Cluster Endpoints
aws rds describe-db-cluster-endpoints --db-cluster-identifier cloudacademy --region us-west-2
Generate and Test Stocks API Endpoint
Execute the following command to generate Stocks API URL:
echo http://$(kubectl get ing -n cloudacademy public -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}")/api/stocks/csv
Copy the URL from the previous output and browse to it within your own browser. Confirm that the Stocks CSV formatted data is accessible.
Generate and Test Stocks APP (frontend) Endpoint
Execute the following command to generate Stocks API URL:
echo http://$(kubectl get ing -n cloudacademy public -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}")
Copy the URL from the previous output and browse to it within your own browser. Confirm that the Stocks App (frontend) loads successfully, complete with stocks data.