This project is a golang library for applications wanting to talk to a BOSH/MicroBOSH or bosh-lite.
The following client functions are available, as a subset of the full BOSH Director API.
- client.GetInfo()
- client.GetStemcells()
- client.GetReleases()
- client.GetDeployments()
- client.GetDeployment("cf")
- client.GetDeploymentVMs("cf")
- client.GetTasks()
- client.GetTask(123)
- client.GetTaskResult(123)
- client.Start("cf", "diego_cell", "b1a2e350-0405-41d8-89f0-e257c78b26ae")
- client.Stop("cf", "diego_cell", "b1a2e350-0405-41d8-89f0-e257c78b26ae")
- client.Restart("cf", "diego_cell", "b1a2e350-0405-41d8-89f0-e257c78b26ae")
go get
The documentation is published to Also, view the documentation locally with:
$ godoc
As a short getting started guide:
package main
import (
func main() {
c, _ := gogobosh.NewClient(gogobosh.DefaultConfig())
info, _ := c.GetInfo()
fmt.Printf(" Name %s\n", info.Name)
fmt.Printf(" Version %s\n", info.Version)
fmt.Printf(" User %s\n", info.User)
fmt.Printf(" UUID %s\n", info.UUID)
fmt.Printf(" CPI %s\n", info.CPI)
Some test are unit tests and run completely in memory without bosh while the integration tests require a local bosh-lite installation. Ideally you would run this before submitting a PR. All the unit and integration tests can be run using:
$ make test-all
Unit tests are fast in-memory tests and do not run against bosh-lite. All the unit tests can be run using:
$ make test
Integration tests in integration_test.go
run against bosh-lite and can be run using:
$ BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET='myadminsecret' make test-integration
Before submitting a PR make sure all the tests pass, the code is properly formatted and linted:
$ make
Contributions from the community are welcomed. This is a rough outline of what a contributor's workflow looks like:
- Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work
- Make commits of logical units
- Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format (see below)
- Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository
- Submit a pull request