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Azure Storage CLI

The Azure Storage CLI is for uploading, fetching and deleting content to and from an Azure blobstore. It is highly inspired by the


Given a JSON config file (config.json)...

  "account_name":           "<string> (required)",
  "account_key":            "<string> (required)",
  "container_name":         "<string> (required)",
  "environment":            "<string> (optional, default: 'AzureCloud')",
# Command: "put"
# Upload a blob to the blobstore.
./bosh-azure-storage-cli -c config.json put <path/to/file> <remote-blob> 

# Command: "get"
# Fetch a blob from the blobstore.
# Destination file will be overwritten if exists.
./bosh-azure-storage-cli -c config.json get <remote-blob> <path/to/file>

# Command: "delete"
# Remove a blob from the blobstore.
./bosh-azure-storage-cli -c config.json delete <remote-blob>

# Command: "exists"
# Checks if blob exists in the blobstore.
./bosh-azure-storage-cli -c config.json exists <remote-blob>

# Command: "sign"
# Create a self-signed url for a blob in the blobstore.
./bosh-azure-storage-cli -c config.json sign <remote-blob> <get|put> <seconds-to-expiration>

Using signed urls with curl

# Uploading a blob:
curl -X PUT -H "x-ms-blob-type: blockblob" -F 'fileX=<path/to/file>' <signed url>

# Downloading a blob:
curl -X GET <signed url>

Running tests

Unit tests

Using ginkgo:

go install
ginkgo --skip-package=integration --randomize-all --cover -v -r

Using go test:

go test $(go list ./... | grep -v integration)

Integration tests

  1. Export the following variables into your environment:

    export ACCOUNT_NAME=<your Azure accounnt name>
    export ACCOUNT_KEY=<your Azure account key>
    export CONTAINER_NAME=<the target container name>
  2. Run integration tests

    go test ./integration/...