UAA 3.2.0 Release Notes
New Features
- JDK Update to 1.8.0_73
- Clicking on the App under where to in the Dashboard should open a new tab
- Merged UAA as SAML IDP contributed by GE
- Enforce the WantSignedAssertion and signedRequests in SAML for all Identity Zones
- Implement Session Cookie Config
- Support filter by Member & Requesting specified attributes for Groups
- Expose UAA properties per Identity Zone
- Allow /check_token to perform authorization
Features In Progress
- Revocable Tokens
- JWT & SAML Key Persistence & Rotation
Bugs Fixes
- UAA fails to start when upgrading to v2.7.2 & above if LDAP is configured
- SAML Logout does not send a SAML logout request to the IDP (SSO2)
- SiteMinder Login Redirects to /favicon.ico
- SAML IDP Roles Mapping doesn't work
- Deleting a zone should create an audit log
- Accessing any of the client metadata end points without the accept header throws 500
does not work, it needs to beautocomplete=off
- Authentication to UAA after disable of internal auth throws 500 instead of 401
- /login with Accept="application/json" redirects to saml provider if there is only one provider and internal user store is disabled.
- Logout Redirect properties are being applied to the zone
- Ignore verificationKey during json serialization/deserialization of TokenPolicy
- Remove implicit grant and autoapprove true from cf client in cf-properties.yml