New release will be only available on
This repository is the addon for PHP-CLI SHELL about FIREWALL (acl) service.
With this addon you can create ACLs (monosite, failover and fullmesh) and generate template for your firewall appliance.
It is possible to upload ACLs config file to firewall with SCP. For SCP, you can use an SSH bastion.
For the moment, there are 3 templates:
- Juniper JunOS
there are 2 templates for Juniper JunOS: one formated with {} and one with set commands - Cisco ASA
there are 2 templates for Cisco ASA: one for the firewall itself and one for VPN DAP (Dynamic Access Policies) - Web HTML
ACL monosite:
- basic ACL, source(s), destination(s), no automation. For this ACL category you can not enable fullmesh option!
ACL failover:
- without fullmesh option: failover ACL(s) will be automaticaly generated for all failover sites in inbound or outbound.
- with fullmesh option: like without but source and destination of ACL will be isolated per zone to process automation.
You have to use base PHP-CLI SHELL project that is here:
Ubuntu only, you can get last PHP version from this PPA:
- add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
- apt update
You have to install a PHP version >= 7.1:
- apt install php7.3-cli php7.3-mbstring php7.3-readline pphp7.3-soap php7.3-curl
For MacOS users which use PHP 7.3, there is an issue with PCRE. You have to add this configuration in your php.ini:
To locate your php.ini, use this command: php -i | grep "Configuration File"
Download last PHAR release and its key from releases
Print console help:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar --help
The PHAR contains all PHP-CLI SHELL components (Base, DCIM, IPAM and Firewall)
Start FIREWALL demo with command:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar firewall:application:demo
Create FIREWALL configuration with command:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar configuration:application:factory firewall
For more informations about configuration file, see 'CONFIGURATION FILE' section
Create FIREWALL launcher with command:
$ php php-cli-shell.phar launcher:application:factory firewall
- git clone
- git checkout tags/v2.1.2
- git clone
- git checkout tags/v2.1.2
- Merge these two repositories
If you have PHPIPAM and you want object name autocompletion, you have to perform these steps:
- git clone
- git checkout tags/v2.1.2
- Merge this repository with two previous repositories (base and firewall)
- Install PHP-CLI SHELL for PHPIPAM with README helper
[env] is not used by PHP-CLI, it is for user when he has many environments or sites to managed
- mv configurations/firewall.envA.json.example configurations/firewall.[env].json
- vim configurations/firewall.[env].json
- Adapt configuration to your network topology
- Of course you can add more than two sites
- Do not change topology attribute names: internet, onPremise, interSite, private
- Optionnal
- You can create user configuration files for base and firewall services to overwrite some configurations
These files will be ignored for commits, so your user config files can not be overwrited by a futur release - mv configurations/firewall.envA.user.json.example configurations/firewall.[env].user.json
- vim configurations/firewall.[env].user.json Change configuration like path or file
- All *.user.json files are ignored by .gitignore
- You can create user configuration files for base and firewall services to overwrite some configurations
- Juniper JunOS
- In firewall.json, you can change the configuration push method:
Available modes: merge or replace"templates": { "juniper-junos_set": { "updateMode": "replace" } }
- In firewall.json, you can change the configuration push method:
- Cisco-ASA
- Add this configuration in options section under sites to declare a global zone:
"options": { "globalZone": "global" }
- Add this configuration in options section under sites to declare a global zone:
- mv firewall.php.example firewall.php
- vim firewall.php
- Change [IPAM_SERVER_KEY] with the key of your PHPIPAM server in configuration file
You can add many PHPIPAM server, it is compatible multiple PHPIPAM
If you have not PHPIPAM service, remove argument or keep it empty
[env] is not used by PHP-CLI, it is for user when he has many environments or sites to managed
- Change [IPAM_SERVER_KEY] with the key of your PHPIPAM server in configuration file
- mv firewall.envA.php.example firewall.[env].php
- vim firewall.[env].php
- Change [env] with the name of your environment
Change informations which are between []
- vim credentialsFile
- export SSH_SYS_LOGIN=[YourSystemLoginHere]
- export SSH_NET_LOGIN=[YourNetworkLoginHere]
Bastion authentication must be base on certificate
PHPIPAM (Only if you use PHPIPAM service/addon) /!\ For security reason, use a read only account!
- export IPAM_[IPAM_SERVER_KEY]_LOGIN=[YourLoginHere]
Change [IPAM_SERVER_KEY] with the key of your PHPIPAM server in configuration file
Launch PHP-CLI Shell for FIREWALL service
- source credentialsFile
- php firewall.[env].php