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Camille's TypeScript Boilerplate 🥘

This is the TypeScript base code that I use for all my open-source and private projects.

I aim to update this boilerplate when I integrate new tools in my workflow.

If you are looking for my older boilerplate template, you can find it here.


  • Parse your environment variables with Zod
  • Collect and extract metrics from your logs using Loki
  • Update your packages with ncu
  • Build a beautiful CLI UX with oclif CLI
  • Build reusable Docker images
    • Puppeteer-ready image integrated
    • ... and a lightweight Node-based one is included too.
  • containerized development thanks to DevContainers
  • CI with GitHub Actions
  • CD with Kubernetes and ArgoCD
  • Package patching thanks to patch-package
  • Witty ESLint configuration to keep your code clean
  • Stay in the loop thanks to smart template updates


pip install pipx && pipx ensurepath && . ~/.bashrc # pipx installation
pipx install copier # copier installation

copier gh:clouedoc/typescript-boilerplate-evolved your_new_project

cd your_new_project
yarn install && yarn build
yarn dev # all good, start programming now!

Fetching updates

To apply the latest version of this boilerplate to your project, run the following commands:

git status # should be clean
copier update # this will fetch the latest release
# If you want to stay on the edge:
# copier update --vcs-ref=HEAD

Do not manually edit the .copier-answers.yml file. This will confuse Copier's update algorithm.

You may find *.ref files that you need to resolve manually.


This code is released under the MIT License


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be, learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated!
