Gummy.js is a minimal sticky table headers solution. Unlike many other similar plugins, it's not meant to be relative to the whole window, but to a wrapper inside the page. This essentially mean you can use it for smaller tables inside your layout as well as full window tables.
As of now, table headers must be of equal or greater width than table cells for the plugin to actually work. Same goes for the headers height when using a left aligned headers column. This may be fixed in the future. Or not.
- Write decent README (usage, etc.)
- What's the browser support?
- Minimal API
- Allow update on gummy head/column when table content changes
- Have a way to remove the whole thing
- Find a sane way to deal with table where cells are larger than headers
- Deal with original elements classes when cloning
- Test performance with huge tables and improve accordingly
- Tests?
- Get rid/minimize jQuery dependency (can we?)
Gummy.js is maintained and funded by hooktstudios.