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Setting up development environment

  1. Install docker (>= 1.12.1) and docker-compose (>= 1.8.0)
  2. In /frontend folder, run ./ npm install
  3. In root, run ./

Running tests


Frontend testing is done with Jest. Configuration for Jest is located in frontend/package.json. Frontend tests are run from command line: ./ npm test


Backend tests are run in the IntelliJ Idea IDE or from command line.

From command line: ./gradlew TASK

The different tasks:

  • test: unit tests
  • integrationTest: integration tests
  • acceptanceTest: acceptance tests (Cucumber)
  • build: all the above together

Running in production

See the separate server documentation file provided.

Adding platform-dependent frontend dependecies on non-linux host

Run the npm install ... command through ./ npm install ... in /frontend folder

Object building in Backend

Creating of objects happens with builder-pattern. Background and how to use them can be read here: Builder-pattern

For fast generation of builder objects for classes in IntelliJ IDEA: Builder-generator

Examples for test

Basic with defaults example:

String playerName = "player";
game = GameBuilder.aGame()

Overwriting some attribute but keeping others default:

String playerName = "player";
game = GameBuilder.aGame()

Object persistance in dev and integration-testing:

private GameRepository gameRepository;
String playerName = "player";
game = GameBuilder.aGame()

NOTE create is not default provided by builder generator

Further development notes

Creating Event-cards

alt text

Advanced-version of the game should include event cards. The idea is for Advanced DifficultyConfiguration to produce a game with event cards, using EventCardInstantiators. This is not implemented yet in the game.

Changing Game-options

GameOptionChange-class can alter the game and its options in the game initialization phase or later with event cards. GameOptionChange-object stores the callable method name with its parameters. The idea is to use reflection to call the method to change the game options. Example of this in use in

public Game getInitializedGame(DifficultyConfiguration difficultyConfiguration, String playerName) {
    Object gameWithGameOptionChanges = GameBuilder.aGame()
                    playerName, baseCardRepository, phaseRepository)
    for (int i = 0; i < difficultyConfiguration.getInitialGameOptionChanges().size(); i++) {
        GameOptionChange gameOptionChange = difficultyConfiguration.getInitialGameOptionChanges().get(i);
        String methodName = gameOptionChange.getMethodName();
        try {
            Class parameterCls = Class.forName(gameOptionChange.getParameters());
            Method methodToInvoke = GameOptionService.class.getMethod(methodName, parameterCls);
            gameWithGameOptionChanges = methodToInvoke.invoke(new GameOptionService(), gameWithGameOptionChanges);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new GameInitException();