Eagle device library used by Clueboard
Please read this if you are already using this library.
As of commit 1497c7f I have broken Controller.lbr up into multiple files to make it easier to find the part you need. I will not be updating Controller.lbr anymore, you should replace your components with the same component from the new file. At some point in the future I will be removing Controller.lbr.
Basic electrical components such as Capacitors, Crystals, Diodes, Resistors, and other (mostly) passive components.
Components for interfacing with the physical world.
Headers for connecting I/O to various interfaces.
Integrated circuits and other specialty chips.
DEPRECATED: Please use the equivalent footprints in other files.
Switch footprints that support various Cherry MX and/or Alps switches.
When putting together your schematic there are 5 basic types of switches to choose from:
- KEYSWITCH-DIODE: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with in-switch diode support.
- KEYSWITCH-LED: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with throughhole single-color LED support
- KEYSWITCH-LEDHOLE: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with a slot to allow LED's to shine through or for 4 wire LEDs to poke through to a daughter board.
- KEYSWITCH-LEDTHTHOLE: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with in-switch LED support and shine-through LED support.
- KEYSWITCH-PLAIN: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches
- KEYSWITCH-RGBLED: Cherry MX switches with throughhole RGB LED support
- KEYSWITCH-RGBSMDLED: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with SMD RGB LED support
- KEYSWITCH-SMDLED: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with SMD single-color LED support
- KEYSWITCH-SMDTHTLED: Cherry MX and/or Alps switches with both throughhole and SMD single-color LED support
Each one may have one or more switch footprints available:
- ALPS: Alps switch
- ALPSMX: Combined footprint that supports both ALPS and MX
- CHOC: Kailh (Kaihua) Choc low-profile switches
- CHOCX: Combined footprint that supports both CHOC and X
- MX: Cherry MX Switches, both Plate and PCB mount
- MXHS: Footprint that supports the Kailh PCB Sockets for switch hot swapping, plate mount switches only
- MXHSPCB: Footprint that supports the Kailh PCB Sockets for switch hot swapping, pcb or plate mount switches
- X: Kailh (Kaihua) X low-profile switches
Various LCD based displays.
LED lighting controllers and emitters.
Processors that can be used to scan a keyboard matrix.
USB connectors and devices which interface directly with the USB signal wires.
These files are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. You are free to include and distribute them in your project, but if you are selling a board please contact me for a more permissive license. Gratis (no-cost) licenses are available to community run group buys.