A command line tool, supports AWS serverless application development.
- Create AWS serverless project template (TypeScript, node).
- Manage parameters by AWS Systems Manager parameter store.
- Deploy Lambda Function using AWS SAM.
- Deploy AWS resources using AWS CloudFormation.
npm i -g tsas
tsas -h
Usage: tsas COMMAND
tsas init Create a new, empty Typed Lambda project from a template.
tsas param Manage application parameters, [push|list]
tsas deploy Deploy aws resources, [serverless|sls|cloudformation|cfn]
tsas display Display information [cfn-parameters]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--region Use the indicated AWS region to override default in config file.
--env, -e Environment name; such as dev, stg, prod... [string]
--verbose Set verbose mode. [boolean] [default: false]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
AWS accessible CLI. See:
If you need to switch role, you can use these helpful tools.
- tilfin/homebrew-aws: AWS commands easy to manipulate on terminal
- waddyu/aws_swrole: Switch AWS IAM Roles and start new session.
mkdir hello-world
cd hello-world
tsas init
has application parameters. This tool uses parameter store for CloudFormation deploy, so you should push local parameters to aws, at first.
tsas param push --env stg
tsas param list --env stg
tsas deploy serverless --env stg
tsas deploy cloudformation dynamodb --env stg
Using aws/aws-cli: Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services.
aws lambda invoke --function-name <your-function-name> --log-type Tail \
--payload '{"name":"Bob"}' \
DynamoDB table greeting
will have been updated.
- Manage parameters used in the whole application with a parameter store.
- Deploy Lambda Function using AWS SAM.
- Deploy AWS resources using CloudFormation.
As you see, within this tool, you do not need to include the Parameters section in your SAM or CloudFormation templates.
has application parameters. If you want to add/modify parameters, edit the json file and re-push to parameter store, using:
tsas param push --env stg
If you want to confirm CloudFormation Parameter section, use:
tsas display cfn-parameters --env stg
If you don't want to write paramter to variables.json
, use this command.
tsas param put <key> <value>
tsas param put AccessKey LFIOPWEPJSD23423ALGFJ --env stg
tsas param put AccessSecret afasdgbaj==awefaebasdvmkls--__ --env stg
There are 3 steps.
- Add TypeScript source code.
- Append entry to
. - Append the function information to
has lambda function entry point. So, you can start developing new functions by adding files to handlers.
After that, edit webpack.config.js
to entry new function.
module.exports = {
mode: 'development',
target: 'node',
entry: {
'hello-world': path.resolve(__dirname, './src/lambda/handlers/api-gw/api-gw-greeting.ts'),
// add ( example )
'next-step': path.resolve(__dirname, './src/lambda/handlers/api-gw/api-gw-next-step.ts'),
Finally, edit templates/lambda.yaml
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
FunctionName: !Sub ${Env}-${AppName}-hello
Role: !GetAtt HelloWorldLambdaRole.Arn
Handler: hello-world/index.handler
Runtime: nodejs8.10
Bucket: !Ref DeployBucketName
Key: !Sub ${ChangeSetHash}/dist.zip
Timeout: 5
ENV: !Ref Env
GREETING_TABLE_NAME: !Ref GreetingTableName
REGION: !Ref AWS::Region
HelloWorldNextStepLambda: # Add
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
FunctionName: !Sub ${Env}-${AppName}-next-step
Role: !GetAtt HelloWorldLambdaRole.Arn
Handler: next-step/index.handler
Runtime: nodejs8.10
Bucket: !Ref DeployBucketName
Key: !Sub ${ChangeSetHash}/dist.zip
Timeout: 5
ENV: !Ref Env
REGION: !Ref AWS::Region
- Add CloudFormation template file or append to exists.
- Deploy with a name.
tsas deploy cloudformation <template_name>
needs target template name, such as:
tsas deploy cloudformation dynamodb --env stg
The <template_name> is required to match the CloudFormation template file name, so above command will deploy templates/dynamodb.yaml
You can add new resources by following steps.
touch templates/s3.yaml
### edit file ###
tsas deploy cloudformation s3 --env stg
Initial templates only refers to the stg
environment. You can define ather environments.
Even in different environments, above flow is the same.
You only need to create a new environment setting file.
touch environments/prd/variables.json
### edit json file ###
After that, adjust --env
tsas param push --env prd
tsas deploy serverless --env prd
tsas deploy cloudformation dynamodb --env prd