This project is an unmaintained fork. You should use
-- import ""
The macaroon package implements macaroons as described in the paper "Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the Cloud" (
type Caveat struct {
Id string
Location string
type Macaroon struct {
Macaroon holds a macaroon. See Fig. 7 of for a description of the data contained within. Macaroons are mutable objects - use Clone as appropriate to avoid unwanted mutation.
func New(rootKey []byte, id, loc string) (*Macaroon, error)
New returns a new macaroon with the given root key, identifier and location.
func (m *Macaroon) AddFirstPartyCaveat(caveatId string) error
AddFirstPartyCaveat adds a caveat that will be verified by the target service.
func (m *Macaroon) AddThirdPartyCaveat(rootKey []byte, caveatId string, loc string) error
AddThirdPartyCaveat adds a third-party caveat to the macaroon, using the given shared root key, caveat id and location hint. The caveat id should encode the root key in some way, either by encrypting it with a key known to the third party or by holding a reference to it stored in the third party's storage.
func (m *Macaroon) Bind(rootSig []byte)
Bind prepares the macaroon for being used to discharge the macaroon with the given rootSig. This must be used before it is used in the discharges argument to Verify.
func (m *Macaroon) Caveats() []Caveat
Caveats returns the macaroon's caveats. This method will probably change, and it's important not to change the returned caveat.
func (m *Macaroon) Clone() *Macaroon
Clone returns a copy of the receiving macaroon.
func (m *Macaroon) Id() string
Id returns the id of the macaroon. This can hold arbitrary information.
func (m *Macaroon) Location() string
Location returns the macaroon's location hint. This is not verified as part of the macaroon.
func (m *Macaroon) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (m *Macaroon) Signature() []byte
Signature returns the macaroon's signature.
func (m *Macaroon) UnmarshalJSON(jsonData []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (m *Macaroon) Verify(rootKey []byte, check func(caveat string) error, discharges []*Macaroon) error
Verify verifies that the receiving macaroon is valid. The root key must be the same that the macaroon was originally minted with. The check function is called to verify each first-party caveat - it should return an error if the condition is not met.
The discharge macaroons should be provided in discharges.
Verify returns true if the verification succeeds; if returns (false, nil) if the verification fails, and (false, err) if the verification cannot be asserted (but may not be false).
TODO(rog) is there a possible DOS attack that can cause this function to infinitely recurse?
type Verifier interface {
Verify(m *Macaroon, rootKey []byte) (bool, error)
-- import ""
The bakery package layers on top of the macaroon package, providing a transport and storage-agnostic way of using macaroons to assert client capabilities.
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("item not found")
type Caveat struct {
Location string
Condition string
Caveat represents a condition that must be true for a check to complete successfully. If Location is non-empty, the caveat must be discharged by a third party at the given location.
type CaveatIdDecoder interface {
DecodeCaveatId(id string) (rootKey []byte, condition string, err error)
CaveatIdDecoder decodes caveat ids created by a CaveatIdEncoder.
type CaveatIdEncoder interface {
EncodeCaveatId(caveat Caveat, rootKey []byte) (string, error)
CaveatIdEncoder can create caveat ids for third parties. It is left abstract to allow location-dependent caveat id creation.
type CaveatNotRecognizedError struct {
Caveat string
func (e *CaveatNotRecognizedError) Error() string
type Discharger struct {
// Checker is used to check the caveat's condition.
Checker ThirdPartyChecker
// Decoder is used to decode the caveat id.
Decoder CaveatIdDecoder
// Factory is used to create the macaroon.
// Note that *Service implements NewMacarooner.
Factory NewMacarooner
A Discharger can be used to discharge third party caveats.
func (d *Discharger) Discharge(id string) (*macaroon.Macaroon, error)
Discharge creates a macaroon that discharges the third party caveat with the given id. The id should have been created earlier with a matching CaveatIdEncoder. The condition implicit in the id is checked for validity using d.Checker, and then if valid, a new macaroon is minted which discharges the caveat, and can eventually be associated with a client request using AddClientMacaroon.
type FirstPartyChecker interface {
CheckFirstPartyCaveat(caveat string) error
FirstPartyChecker holds a function that checks first party caveats for validity.
If the caveat kind was not recognised, the checker should return ErrCaveatNotRecognised.
type FirstPartyCheckerFunc func(caveat string) error
func (c FirstPartyCheckerFunc) CheckFirstPartyCaveat(caveat string) error
type NewMacarooner interface {
NewMacaroon(id string, rootKey []byte, capability string, caveats []Caveat) (*macaroon.Macaroon, error)
NewMacaroon mints a new macaroon with the given id, capability and caveats. If the id is empty, a random id will be used. If rootKey is nil, a random root key will be used.
If a client succeeds in discharging the returned macaroon, it can gain access to the given capability.
type NewServiceParams struct {
// Location will be set as the location of any macaroons
// minted by the service.
Location string
// Store will be used to store macaroon
// information locally. If it is nil,
// an in-memory storage will be used.
Store Storage
// CaveatIdEncoder is used to create third-party caveats.
CaveatIdEncoder CaveatIdEncoder
NewServiceParams holds the parameters for a NewService call.
type Request struct {
Request represents a request made to a service by a client. The request may be long-lived. It holds a set of macaroons that the client wishes to be taken into account.
Methods on a Request may be called concurrently with each other.
func (req *Request) AddClientMacaroon(m *macaroon.Macaroon)
AddClientMacaroon associates the given macaroon with the request. The macaroon will be taken into account when req.Check is called.
TODO(rog) provide a way of deleting client macaroons?
func (req *Request) Check(capability string) error
Check checks that the client has the given capability. If the verification fails in a way which might be remediable, it returns a VerificationError that describes the error.
A capability represents a client capability. A client can gain a capability by presenting a valid, fully discharged macaroon that is associated with the capability.
type Service struct {
Service represents a service which can use macaroons to check authorization.
func NewService(p NewServiceParams) *Service
NewService returns a new service that can mint new macaroons and store their associated root keys.
func (svc *Service) AddCaveat(m *macaroon.Macaroon, cav Caveat) error
AddCaveat adds a caveat to the given macaroon.
If it's a third-party caveat, it uses the service's caveat-id encoder to create the id of the new caveat.
func (svc *Service) NewMacaroon(id string, rootKey []byte, capability string, caveats []Caveat) (*macaroon.Macaroon, error)
NewMacaroon implements NewMacarooner.NewMacaroon.
func (svc *Service) NewRequest(checker FirstPartyChecker) *Request
NewRequest returns a new client request object that uses checker to verify caveats.
func (svc *Service) Store() Storage
Store returns the store used by the service.
type Storage interface {
// Put stores the item at the given location, overwriting
// any item that might already be there.
// TODO(rog) would it be better to lose the overwrite
// semantics?
Put(location string, item string) error
// Get retrieves an item from the given location.
// If the item is not there, it returns ErrNotFound.
Get(location string) (item string, err error)
// Del deletes the item from the given location.
Del(location string) error
Storage defines storage for macaroons. Calling its methods concurrently is allowed.
func NewMemStorage() Storage
NewMemStorage returns an implementation of Storage that stores all items in memory.
type ThirdPartyChecker interface {
CheckThirdPartyCaveat(caveat string) ([]Caveat, error)
ThirdPartyChecker holds a function that checks third party caveats for validity. It the caveat is valid, it returns a nil error and optionally a slice of extra caveats that will be added to the discharge macaroon.
If the caveat kind was not recognised, the checker should return ErrCaveatNotRecognised.
type ThirdPartyCheckerFunc func(caveat string) ([]Caveat, error)
func (c ThirdPartyCheckerFunc) CheckThirdPartyCaveat(caveat string) ([]Caveat, error)
type VerificationError struct {
RequiredCapability string
Reason error
func (e *VerificationError) Error() string
-- import ""
The checkers package provides some standard caveat checkers and checker-combining functions.
var Std = Map{
"time-before": bakery.FirstPartyCheckerFunc(timeBefore),
func FirstParty(condition string) bakery.Caveat
func ParseCaveat(cav string) (string, string, error)
ParseCaveat parses a caveat into an identifier, identifying the checker that should be used, and the argument to the checker (the rest of the string).
The identifier is taken from all the characters before the first space character.
func PushFirstPartyChecker(c0, c1 bakery.FirstPartyChecker) bakery.FirstPartyChecker
PushFirstPartyChecker returns a checker that first uses c0 to check caveats, and falls back to using c1 if c0 returns bakery.ErrCaveatNotRecognized.
func ThirdParty(location, condition string) bakery.Caveat
func TimeBefore(t time.Time) bakery.Caveat
type Map map[string]bakery.FirstPartyCheckerFunc
func (m Map) CheckFirstPartyCaveat(cav string) error
-- import ""
The httpbakery package layers on top of the bakery package - it provides an HTTP-based implementation of a macaroon client and server.
func Do(c *http.Client, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
Do makes an http request to the given client. If the request fails with a discharge-required error, any required discharge macaroons will be acquired, and the request will be repeated with those attached.
If c.Jar field is non-nil, the macaroons will be stored there and made available to subsequent requests.
func WriteDischargeRequiredError(w http.ResponseWriter, m *macaroon.Macaroon, originalErr error) error
WriteDischargeRequiredError writes a response to w that reports the given error and sends the given macaroon to the client, indicating that it should be discharged to allow the original request to be accepted.
If it returns an error, it will have written the http response anyway.
The cookie value is a base-64-encoded JSON serialization of the macaroon.
TODO(rog) consider an alternative approach - perhaps it would be better to include the macaroon directly in the response and leave it up to the client to add it to the cookies along with the discharge macaroons.
type KeyPair struct {
KeyPair holds a public/private pair of keys.
func GenerateKey() (*KeyPair, error)
GenerateKey generates a new key pair.
type NewServiceParams struct {
// Location holds the location of the service.
// Macaroons minted by the service will have this location.
Location string
// Store defines where macaroons are stored.
Store bakery.Storage
// Key holds the private/public key pair for
// the service to use. If it is nil, a new key pair
// will be generated.
Key *KeyPair
NewServiceParams holds parameters for the NewService call.
type Service struct {
Service represents a service that can use client-provided macaroons to authorize requests. It layers on top of *bakery.Service, providing http-based methods to create third-party caveats.
func NewService(p NewServiceParams) (*Service, error)
NewService returns a new Service.
func (svc *Service) AddDischargeHandler(
root string,
mux *http.ServeMux,
checker func(req *http.Request, cav string) ([]bakery.Caveat, error),
AddDischargeHandler handles adds handlers to the given ServeMux to service third party caveats.
The check function is used to check whether a client making the given request should be allowed a discharge for the given caveat. If it does not return an error, the caveat will be discharged, with any returned caveats also added to the discharge macaroon.
The name space served by DischargeHandler is as follows. All parameters can be provided either as URL attributes or form attributes. The result is always formatted as a JSON object.
POST /discharge
id: id of macaroon to discharge
location: location of original macaroon (optional (?))
Macaroon: macaroon in json format
Error: string
POST /create
condition: caveat condition to discharge
rootkey: root key of discharge caveat
CaveatID: string
Error: string
GET /publickey
public key of service
expiry time of key
func (svc *Service) AddPublicKeyForLocation(loc string, prefix bool, publicKey *[32]byte)
AddPublicKeyForLocation specifies that third party caveats for the given location will be encrypted with the given public key. If prefix is true, any locations with loc as a prefix will be also associated with the given key. The longest prefix match will be chosen. TODO(rog) perhaps string might be a better representation of public keys?
func (svc *Service) NewRequest(httpReq *http.Request, checker bakery.FirstPartyChecker) *bakery.Request
NewRequest returns a new request, converting cookies from the HTTP request into macaroons in the bakery request when they're found. Mmm.