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Makes Git a little more user friendly and a little more user safe (idiot proof)

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A series of shell scripts that simplify and streamline the use of Git. Works across all major OSes (Win/Mac/Linux).

GitScripts gains you:

  1. Indicator flags on your shell that let you know if you are ahead of/behind the remote etc
  2. Simplified commands and automation for common, often complex, tasks (commit, status, merge, checkout, branch creation, etc)
  3. Ability to enforce branch protection (ie. Never allow merge from QA to Dev, or Dev to master, etc)
  4. A more colorful prompt

GitScripts does not replace Git. It's kind of a wrapper for Git, or more, an extension to Git's built in shell scripts. If you install GitScripts, you can still access all of your git commands exactly the same way you used to. However, now you have an extra library of commands at your disposal.


Clone down the repo somewhere on your machine:

git clone git://

Modify your .bash_profile or .bashrc file. One of these should be in your home (~/) directory. If not, just create one (flip a coin to decide which ;) ). Add the following line to the file:

source [path to your local version of the GitScripts repo]/

So, if your local GitScripts repo is in ~/Dev/GitScripts, the line would look like this:

source ~/Dev/GitScripts/

Restart your terminal, BAM! your DONE!

Configuration Notes

GitScripts comes with some intelligent defaults, so, this is for those that are just not satisfied with defaults.

Any config adjustments you want to make should be made in a file that you create:

cp cfg/user.overrides.example cfg/user.overrides

This file is ignored by default, so, mod away!

Git & XCode on Mac

If you are on Mac with XCode installed, and if you independantly install a newer version of Git than XCode installs by default, you will need to adjust your path to point to the version of git you installed. Open ~/.bash_profile and adjust your path to look for your manually installed version of git before it looks for the xcode installed version of git. You will have to do something like this:

export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH


GitScripts comes with a nifty little used documentation center called "gsman".

In order to use this system, just type "gsman " followed by any command you'd like to know more about; example:

gsman commit

Before you can actually use this system, you have to configure it, by issuing the following command from your terminal:

gsman gsman


GitScripts helps make git more user friendly and more user safe. It is a set of bash scripts that will make your life much easier and streamline your use of Git.


The most basic example is as follows. To see which files have changes, you would normally type:

git status

With GitScripts you can just do:



Say you have changes to 5 tracked files that you want to commit. Normally you would have to do the following:

git commit -a -m "my comments on my changes"

With GitScripts you can just do:

commit "my comments on my changes" -a

I know, these doesn't seem much different. But it did save just a little bit of time. Two paper cuts.

New Branch

Here's where the real magic happens though. Let's say you want to create a new branch. Normally you would have to do all of the following (if being safe):

git status
#if you have changes
    git stash (or) git add -A, git commit -m "your commit"
    git push origin branch
#check out the branch you want to fork
git checkout master
#make sure it is up to date
git fetch --all --prune
git pull origin master
#now, finally, make the branch
git checkout -b newbranch

Whew! OK, with gitscripts, you just do:

new branch from branch

That's it. It jumps into an intelligent guided numeric menu driven process that does everything that you would normally have to do by hand with nominal intervention from you only when absolutely necessary with intelligent defaults so that 90% of the time you are just hitting "Enter".


Let's say you want to merge two branches. Normally you would have to do all of the following (if being safe):

git status
#if you have changes
    git stash (or) git add -A, git commit -m "your commit"
    git push origin branch
#make sure both branches are up to date
git fetch --all --prune
git checkout branchtomergefrom
git pull origin branchtomergefrom
git checkout branchtomergeto
git pull origin branchtomergeto
git merge --ff branchtomergefrom
#resolve conflicts and then
git add .
git commit -m "merging branchtomergefrom"
git push origin branchtomergeto

Yikes! Again, GitScripts to the rescue! Here's what you would do in GitScripts:

merge branchtomergefrom into branchtomergeto


There are many other things that GitScripts does for you. Here is an incomplete list of commands:

  • add [filename] - Will determine if git add or git rm needs run, and then runs it for the provided file. If no file provided, presents you with a menu of unstaged files.
  • branch - Will present a numbered list of all branches. Optionally allows you to select a branch to checkout
  • checkout [branchname] - Supports tab completion on branch names. Will present a numbered list of branches for you to select one to checkout. Auto-merges master and pulls latest from remote.
  • clean-branches - determine which branches are already merged with master and prompt for you to delete them
  • commit - Commit with implicit -m flag, prompts for -a or -A, pushes changes to remote
  • contains [branch]- Searches through branches to determine which ones contain do/don't contain the branch (defaults to current branch)
  • cpafter - Allows you to specify date and to/from directories. Will copy all files modified after specified date in specified directory to specified directory
  • delete - Deletes branch and prompts for deletion on remote
  • gitdiff [branch] - shows all differences between current branch and specified branch in concise manner and then prompts for verbose manner
  • gitdifftool [branch] - same as gitdiff, but, runs your gitdiff tool to show differences
  • merge [into branch] - Merges master into both, pulls remotes for both, then merges the first into the second and prompts for push to remote
  • new [from branch] - Creates new branch from master or from specified branch. Updates the starting branch first. Prompts for push after
  • pull [branch] - Pull changes form remote for specified branch as well as merges latest version of master
  • pullscripts - updates gitscripts!
  • push - Pushes changes from current branch up to remote
  • trackbranch [upstream/branch] - Allows you to set the upstream (remote repo) for a branch
  • update - Pulls changes from remote and merges master



Makes Git a little more user friendly and a little more user safe (idiot proof)






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