From office hours meeting
This plugin
- adds a custom feature detail panel for a specific track id
- adds some bookmarks by default (hard coded in this case)
First clone this repo, and then cd into the folder, and then run:
npm install -g yarn # get yarn
yarn # install dependencies
yarn start # starts a "dev server" for this plugin on port 9000
Then I open up a jbrowse instance (I normally am running a dev server on
localhost:3000) and then use
http://localhost:3000/?config=http://localhost:9000/config.json and it will load
the config.json file from this repo, and the config.json refers to the built
plugin in dist/jbrowse-plugin-extra-panel.development.umd.js
When you are ready for production, you can use
yarn build
And then copy the file from the
into the folder where your
production jbrowse is being used, and make a similar update to your production
config.json (I just hand edit the config.json for this, there is no jbrowse CLI
to add a plugin to the config.json)
Hope this helps!
the extra feature panel in the sidebar after clicking on a VCF feature, uses the "Core-extraFeaturePanel" extension point (see jb2 docs for more details)
the bookmark panel which loads on page load, by default, see src/index.ts for this code. it hardcodes the bookmarks that it adds but you could fetch the bookmarks from a REST API or something else